Bunni Pounds Bunni Pounds

2022 Mid-Year Report

Our mid-year letter and report for 2022 with updates from Christians Engaged President, Bunni Pounds.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Jesus and Economics: Individual Hearts (Biblical Economics, Part 8)

As a child I loved replacing burnt out incandescent light bulbs with new vibrant ones. I was fascinated by the fact that you could shake the dead bulb and hear the filament rattling — a musical confirmation that the bulb was indeed broken and no more light could be extracted from it. Most of all, I loved to see light shining again in a space where once there had been darkness.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Jesus and Economics: Three Episodes (Biblical Economics, Part 7)

In addition to being the central figure of all history, Christ Jesus is also one of the most controversial. Some believe Christ was “a good moral teacher.” According to others, “he was an ideal; an example.” But sadly, few outside or even inside the Church have ever taken the time to listen to what he actually taught! Let’s look at three key moments from the gospels to learn the most vital elements of Jesus’ lessons on money…

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Check Your Heart (Biblical Economics, Part 6)

When God called Samuel to anoint David as future king he had to correct him because Samuel was looking at the outside appearance. Jesus similarly corrected his disciples about what defiles a person (Matthew 15:10-20) when he said “But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.”

In the same way, Proverbs teaches us to look at the heart on economic issues.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Sprinkler Alert (Biblical Economics, Part 5)

We’re in the midst of a hot summer, and last evening my seven-year-old son came into dinner drenched from head to foot. I was surprised and asked him, “How did you get all wet?” Again to my surprise he replied, “I didn’t think I would get wet, I went under the sprinkler.”

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

The Basic Economic Map — Part A (Biblical Economics, Part 3)

Only one generation ago, before going on a long journey, it was important to first study a printed map to plan a route, get an idea of the distance and time required for the trip, and plan out any additional stops along the way… Maps show us the best way to get to where we want to go. They show us potential dangers to avoid. And without maps we might get terribly lost or delayed.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Why Won’t This Seed Grow? (Biblical Economics, Part 2)

Seeds are incredible. They are small and may not appear at first to have any special value, but their potential is incalculable. Kept dry on the shelf, they will never grow or increase. They will never become what they were meant to be. They will never produce fruit. Why not? Because seeds, like everything else, require the proper conditions and nourishment to grow. It is the same way with economics…

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

A Flawless Example (Biblical Economics, Part 1)

Imagine the wisest person you can think of, writing in the wisest book of all time, about an ideal person. What do you think they would say about them? Perhaps the author would focus on their bravery in battle, or their skill in the arts, or their brilliant intellect, or their physical beauty, or their acts of religious piety or charity?

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Here I Am

The sky was clear. The stars were bright. The air was still. It was a beautiful, serene night in the desert.

His wife was asleep. His servants were asleep. The animals were asleep. Only he was awake, stirred by a voice clear, resonant, gentle, and yet authoritative.


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Engagement, Inspirational Scott Jones Engagement, Inspirational Scott Jones

Do You Know the Time?

The sons of Issachar were wise men who understood the times in which they lived. Even though their fellow Israelites may have been distracted by idols and foreign powers, they knew what the nation should do. Unfortunately, in our nation today there seem to be very few who understand the times in which we live. As a result, we are seeing a steady decay of our nation and its culture of Liberty.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

God and Country

He was short, a little over five feet tall. He was slight, barely 100 pounds. You wouldn’t pick him out in a crowd without effort. He’d likely be in the back of the room, dressed neatly in a black suit.

Reinforcing his unobtrusive appearance was a shy, serious, and quiet temperament. He spoke barely above a whisper. He was deliberative, circumspect, and judicious, careful in what he thought and said, and how he said it.

If you listened intently, he’d be worth your attempt to hear him.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Keep Your Pole Moving

The malaise of pessimism and angst cuts across party lines. Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are all depressed about the present national condition. They may have different reasons, but they are all in the dumps about the United States.

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Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Bunni Pounds

History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 4) - Prayer for National Impact

In Daniel 10, Daniel was serving a Persian King. He had made it through the Babylonian kingdom – the trials and tests of the Lion’s Den, the Golden Statue of Nebuchadnezzar and his friends getting thrown into the fiery furnace, and the dreams and interpretations from God surrounded by “the wise men”. He had been tested and tried and had come out of it all with a greater relationship with God and even more authority.

How does prayer impact a nation?

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Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Bunni Pounds

History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 3) - My Story

I never saw it coming. I had been a political consultant for 10 years and the main Member of Congress that I worked for announced his retirement. We couldn’t find a conservative candidate to take his place. So, after weeks of carrying a burden, seeing the need of the district, praying, and asking God to raise someone up, I acted on that burden. I jumped into the Congressional race. I never saw it coming.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Not in Vain

The sun was setting gently across the broad Pacific. In its breathtaking beauty and confident serenity, it was a majestic and powerful sight.

It was, perhaps, this peaceful sunset, together with the relentless violence and destructive contagion of war, that led the great man to take pen in hand on this evening. Just harrowing days earlier, he and his family were crossing turbulent and dangerous waters in a small PT boat, surrounded by the enemy. He had found solace and protection on this island nation.

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