Rep. Nancy Mace’s Courageous Story and the Power of Women Using Their Testimonies
In a courageous and deeply personal speech on the U.S. House floor, Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina did what many women fear to do: She named names, exposed injustices, and testified to the truth that shaped her life.
Standing firm in faith and conviction and yet shaking as she spoke, she shared her harrowing experience of uncovering and exposing heinous crimes against women, all while drawing strength from God and Scripture. It was hard to listen to and even harder to absorb the reality of her story.
Why Gen Z Could Be the Revival Generation
A powerful and unexpected movement has been taking place among young people. Bible sales are on the rise, young men are returning to church, and Gen Z is showing a renewed interest in stable homes and traditional values.
What Eithan Haim’s Victory Teaches Us
The recent dismissal of the Department of Justice case against Dr. Eithan Haim is not just a legal victory for one person, but a crucial moment in the fight to protect children from harm. It is also another example of the real fact that if we, as American citizens, speak up loudly and consistency against injustices and pray, vote, and engage — electing leaders who are pursuing justice — that we can see victories on the issues that we care about.
Christmas Holidays Remind Us Why We Must Keep Fighting for Religious Freedom
As a New Year begins, I want to share with you a quick story that brought me a lot of perspective this holiday season. It reminded me why First Liberty’s mission of protecting religious freedom is so important—and why we must keep fighting for religious liberty in our nation.
5 Post-Election Lessons for Christians
The recent election has left us with many lessons that we need to consider – particularly for the Body of Christ. In this critical moment, I believe God is speaking clearly to Christians engaged in the culture, highlighting the importance of the work we are doing and the direction we must take as we move forward in both ministry and service to others and our personal commitment to Jesus.
Suffering and waiting are part of the Christian life. Recently a friend and I have been commiserating over not having what we’ve been praying for, for so long. It’s been a long road of waiting and heartache. Sometimes, you just wonder: Why? Why am I waiting, O Lord? What lesson am I not understanding? Why must more heartache come? How much longer will I feel this way?
First Liberty Asks Supreme Court to Uphold Nation’s First Religious Charter School
First Liberty recently filed an amicus brief at the U.S. Supreme Court in Oklahoma Statewide Charter School Board v. Drummond. The case concerns the Oklahoma Charter School Board’s approval of an online Catholic school. We filed the brief on behalf of the Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Department of Education, and the State Board of Education.
How Christians Can Engage in Politics Without Compromising Their Faith
I hear it all the time: “Bunni, how in the world can you be involved in that political world?” My own father felt that politics was inherently evil for years, but the Bible provides a perspective to help us understand our role in the world, emphasizing the power of us carrying love, justice and integrity as the hands and feet of Jesus. My testimony is that I have been involved in politics for over 20 years and I still love Jesus.
Next-Generation Participation Critical in America’s Elections
It is increasingly evident that the next generation must actively shape the political landscape and get involved — as soon as possible. Engaging Christian young people in our governmental process is not just wisdom; it is a moral imperative grounded in our faith. We must pass on what we know to those who follow us.
How to Stay Encouraged During a Politically Charged Season
Navigating politically charged times can often feel overwhelming and disheartening. Disagreements are rampant, tensions run high, and it seems like negativity is everywhere.
Christians have a source of encouragement and strength that transcends the surrounding chaos. Don’t lose relationships with your family and friends over politics. Don’t lose heart through discouragement when things don’t look like they are going in your desired direction.
Get Your Tickets: ‘Average Joe’ Premieres TODAY!
Average Joe, a movie dramatizing Coach Joe Kennedy’s life story, will be in a theater near you TODAY October 11th! Show your support for Coach Joe by going to the movies on opening weekend!
The movie recounts Coach Joe’s story, beginning with his childhood in foster care followed by 20 years in the Marine Corps. The film focuses on his biggest battle: his commitment to stand for God publicly by taking a knee in prayer after each game. When he was fired for living out his faith, Joe and his wife, Denise, soon knew this battle for religious freedom and the rights of all Americans was one they would have to fight.
‘My Vote Doesn’t Matter’: Responding to Christians Who Don’t Plan to Vote
As I’ve traveled across the nation this year, I’ve had many opportunities to share about my work mobilizing Christians to engage in the political process. What continues to surprise me, however, is that many believers tell me they do not plan to vote because their vote “doesn’t matter.”
Some tell me, “I already know who is going to win in my state.” Others claim, “I don’t know any of the people on the ballot. I wouldn’t even know who to vote for.” Still others tell me that it doesn’t matter who gets elected, because the problems will still be the same.
Regardless of our opinions, it’s important to look at what God’s Word states about the importance of being involved in our communities.
First Liberty Launches $2 Million Campaign to Counter Radical Court ‘Reform’
First Liberty announced the launch of a television and digital ad blitz as part of a $2 million campaign to educate Americans on the dangers of current court “reform” proposals. The campaign includes a challenge for all candidates for office to make clear where they stand on court-packing and other proposed changes to the Supreme Court and the judiciary.
The Future of the Supreme Court Could Be at Stake
But there’s another essential reason to show up at the ballot box this fall: the U.S. Supreme Court.
Elections have consequences, the adage goes. And, in many ways, the Supreme Court is on the ballot. Why? Because right now the radical Left, politicians, and some of the most radical groups in the country, are engaged in a concerted, full-scale effort to stage a Supreme Court Coup.
The Power to Change America is in Your Vote
Whether an election is to fill a seat on a local school board or the Oval Office, we keep seeing anti-religious-liberty candidates elected who then promote their anti-religious-liberty policies. They’re determined to steer America away from our constitutional heritage, while ushering in extreme agendas and ideology that are hostile to people of faith. How did they gain so much power? The answer is obvious: People of faith largely stayed home and didn’t bother to vote.
Tragically, only a fraction of Americans who say religious liberty is important to them actually vote in the major elections. People of faith need to see voting as not just a right, but also a responsibility.
1630 - Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders
Christian young adults across the country see what’s happening today in our nation and feel many things - apathy, anxiety, fear. Many more see where our culture is heading and have a desire to make an impact, but don’t know where to start. Our nation is increasingly deviating from Biblical values and social conservative views are seen as “outdated.” What is our purpose in life? Are young people called to make a difference? How do we make an impact in our nation?
Is Early Voting Right for You?
When should I vote? With early and absentee voting soon to begin for the general election, faith-based voters are asking themselves, “Is it okay to vote early?”
Lift Up a Standard
Jesus Christ Himself became the intercessor who would lift up a standard for the purpose of redemption. When there was no justice, Jesus was justice. When there was no one righteous, Jesus was righteousness. When there was no salvation, Jesus was salvation. When there was no intercessor, Jesus became intercession for the people whom He loved.
In the same way, we are called to be intercessors for our nation in our generation. We are the ones to carry the love of God and the presence of God to a hurting world.
Jesus is Coming Quickly
Christians have a foundational truth in their arsenal that puts everything in our lives into perspective. It doesn’t make sense to unbelievers, but it is what gives us joy, peace and hope: Jesus is coming back.
Discipleship: Becoming a Spiritual Mother or Father
Discipleship isn’t just for church leaders; it is for Every. Single. Person. And it is not that complicated. We can all become a spiritual mother or father regardless of how old we are or how long we have walked with the Lord.
This was one of the key takeaways during my recent discussion with two of my dearest mentors, Danny Norris and Helen Lambert, which released a few weeks ago.