for our nation and our elected officials regularly
Here is how we are moving Christians to PRAYER…
Weekly Prayer Prompts
Each week, we PRAY together—with a topical prayer point linked to a Bible verse, we empower thousands of Christians nationwide to pause and remember that we can partner with Jesus to impact our nation.
We sent out this prayer in our weekly email and our social media accounts through graphics and a video each week. Stop for 5 minutes each week and let our prayer prompts remind you to connect with God and take your burdens for our nation to Jesus.
Church Prayer Strategies
The time of American churches existing without concentrated PRAYER must end. We, as the Body of Christ cannot exist and thrive through own strength and programs any longer.
We provide churches with outlines and strategic plans for annual prayer meetings for their local, state, and federal governments and their elected officials.
We are also a resource to motivate and empower church leaders to become PRAYING CHURCHES—churches with regular prayer meetings as part of their church culture.
INVITE US to your church or gathering to educate and motivate on prayer or CONTACT US to help your leadership set up an annual prayer meeting to impact your community.
Personal Prayer Education
We want to educate and motivate you on personal PRAYER and how simply “talking to God” can change your life. We do that through articles on our blog, posts on social media, videos and podcasts from our leaders, and in person messages at churches or faith gatherings.
We were specifically focused as a ministry to highlight the purpose of intercession for our government and elected officials (I Timothy 2:1-4) and how we, as believers, can take the burdens we feel for America and turn them into our greatest weapon - PRAYER.
Prayer Calls & Gatherings
We facilitate strategic online prayer calls for our state, nation, and our elected officials on a regular basis - before key elections, legislative sessions, or around issues that we feel need concentrated prayer. We also from time-to-time host in person prayer gatherings or partner with other organizations for statewide or national prayer initiatives. Now is not the time to sit back. We have to engage in prayer. Join us!