2024 YEAR IN
33,000,000+ emails and hundreds of thousands of texts were sent to mobilize Christians to vote across the nation and in 7 battleground states for the 2024 elections.
2,000,000+ website hits and downloads/video views of our weekly Conversations Show.
850,000 Christians in our voter mobilization communication system with individuals from all 50 states.
2,500+ Christians have gone through one of our long-form classes.
190 church programs held throughout our nation.
100+ national ministries and local churches who are strategic ministry partners on-going.
In the 2024 election cycle, we:
Mobilized 850,000 Christians nationwide through our proprietary method of tracking every election and opting Christians in to pray, vote and engage on an ongoing basis.
Sent 12 million emails to Christians in the battleground states over the 2 weeks leading up to Election Day, and aired radio ads in WI, AZ, PA, MI throughout the 3 days leading up to Election Day to motivate Christians to get to the polls.
Saw the youngest woman elected to the Arkansas State House, our own 27 year-old Alyssa Brown. Alyssa first got involved in politics as an intern at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and then connected with Christians Engaged online. Shortly after connecting with us, went on scholarship with us to our “Pray, Vote, and Engage” trip to Washington, DC in 2023. She then ran in an open seat for the legislature against a man who had served in county government for 3 decades because she discovered that “he did not have a biblical worldview” when she interviewed him about the possibility of her volunteering with him. In less than 2 1/2 months, she went through the Christians Engaged Salt and Light: How to Impact Your Local Communities class, raised $50,000, knocked on 3,000 doors, and won with 63% of the vote in the primary election. On Election Day, she won in a landslide with 79% of the vote, becoming the youngest woman ever elected to the Arkansas State Legislature.
We won a huge upset for the 5th Court of Appeals in Texas, as one of our key Christians Engaged supporters, Jessica Lewis won her seat as a Judge. Both Jessica and her husband Jordan are Christian attorneys, and Jordan was one of our first board members with Christians Engaged. After being involved with Christians Engaged for our first year, in 2020 Jordan decided to run for judge in Dallas County and asked Jessica to run as well. Although they weren't successful in that election, Jessica made it on national TV and gained major traction. In 2022, both Jessica and Jordan ran and lost again. In 2024, she was recruited to put her name on the ballot for the Court of Appeals, a higher court, and in the upset of this election cycle in Texas, she won! She is truly a Christian who is Engaged.
FOR 2025
Add another 400,000 Christians to our voter mobilization system.
Enroll 300 new students into our classes covering civics and biblical worldview.
Sign another 75 strategic ministry partnerships and continue conducting church programs and seminars around the nation.
Launch 2 new podcasts: Jesus for America, a devotional podcast teaching Americans how to walk with God, and our 1630 podcast designed especially for youth and young adults.
Hold 4-5 educational and inspirational conferences around the nation in connection with our Family Policy Councils.
Facilitate 3-day educational trips to Washington, DC for 100 people, including 50 young adults on scholarship.
Continue to expand our online presence through publishing articles, video content, and media appearances on Christian TV, radio and podcasts.

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8675 Explorer Dr., Ste. 112, Colorado Springs, CO 80920