Why Christian Citizenship - The Ten Commandments
God gave us the Ten Commandments as a standard by which to live. At that time in history, man was doing what was right in his own eyes. Today, most of our laws as well as those of other nations are based on these commandments whether the government leaders admit it or not. Before going any further, take a brief look at the ten simple rules God put into place for us and for the good of society in Exodus 20:1-17.
Self Evident
They gathered in the small boarding house on Market Street. They sat down in high-backed wooden chairs around a simple wooden table. There was no air-conditioning to sooth the summer heat. In the descending rays of the late afternoon, a candle was their light. To them was given the awesome responsibility to craft a declaration; the “power to begin the world over again.”
You Need More Than a Thermometer (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 11)
When you’re not feeling well, there are some good first steps to take. One of them is to reach for a thermometer, to check your temperature. Knowing your body’s internal temperature can be a good indicator of whether or not you are fighting a disease. Too high a temperature means you should probably seek medical attention or some medicinal treatment.
But what if you were sick and the only treatment you sought was a thermometer? What if you confused the indicator for the cure?
Two Views of God, Two Views of Gov’t (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 10)
An individual’s political stance is the outgrowth of one’s deepest philosophical beliefs. This is a big part of why there is such political polarization in our country today, and why it is often so difficult to find common ground between different political ideologies. Much of the tension can be traced back to two distinctly different philosophies: the Secular view of government’s role is distinctly different from the Bible’s view of government’s role.
Application for America - Part 2 (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 16)
In America today, the greatest ongoing injustices and inequities we currently face stem primarily from unbiblical ideas and policies that have been allowed to take root in our land. These policies have done great damage and brought incalculable pain, especially to the weakest of society.
History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 2) - What is An Intercessor?
Like a lawyer intercedes for his clients in a court of law, we petition God.
Like an assistant carrying out the orders of her boss and becoming the go-between of him and the other employees, we can ask for God’s will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven.
Intercession is delegation. It is mediation. It is carried authority through representation.
History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 1) - Our Need for Prayer
Behind the greatest evangelist of the Second Great Awakening — Charles Finney — knelt a man of intercession: Daniel Nash.
Finney, through his passionate appeals for people to come to God, saw hundreds of thousands of conversions happen all over New York and beyond in the early 1800s. Unknown to most, this move of God contained a secret weapon. Nash.
A Christian’s Response to the Anticipated Overturning of Roe V. Wade
It is the 9th inning, and the score is in our favor. Everyone expects a huge defeat is going to be delivered to the other team - who for decades seemed to have won. For years with fervent fight, we have chipped away at their successes and are about to win. Cheers will be heard across the nation!
Here is the warning though - The season is not over, your team needs YOU!
What is Biblical Civil Disobedience? (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 9)
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. (Proverbs 29:2)
God’s Word shows us the best way to live. Believers are supposed to live righteous lives marked by virtue. We are supposed to honor and obey the government. But when the wicked rule, they harm the people by enacting unjust laws and unbiblical policies. So Scripture also authorizes civil disobedience, that is, obeying God’s law when doing so requires disobeying human edicts. But biblical civil disobedience doesn’t mean we can just do whatever we want, and it doesn’t mean we can disobey any law we don’t like. So what should we do when the government becomes unjust? And what should our civil disobedience look like?
“And even if He does not…” (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 8)
Nebuchadnezzar was king of the whole known world. His empire was vast, his word was law, and his temper was infamous. That’s why the actions of the three young Hebrew men were so remarkable. Throughout their service to the king they had shown courtesy and obedience, but now they refused him to his face. Stubbornly, defiantly, they disobeyed his command. What would cause these otherwise respectful men to act this way? Aren’t God-fearing people supposed to obey the government?
Adventure Awaits
At 78 with 50 years of ministry and almost 60 years of marriage, I could reminisce about the past seasons of my life and talk about retirement, but scripture exhorts us to “forget the past and reach forward to those things which are ahead; pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 3:13-14)
I am anticipating with great joy the adventure that awaits me in this next season of my life, because I am daring to go farther with God rather than just take retirement.
The Source
He could have had anything. All he had to do was ask. It would be his.
Few people have ever had such an opportunity. No conditions. No expectations. No restraints.
“What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”
It was a breath-taking generosity.
Strategic Prayers for Our Elected Officials
It is easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start when praying for government.
There is so much going on and so many needs that you could find yourself praying 24/7 and still not include everything burdening your heart.
Application for America - Part 1 (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 15)
The charges of racism levied against the United States of America as a whole are very grave. We have experienced and chronicled countless tales of racially-charged police brutality, mass incarceration, and the tragic murder of young Blacks, particularly men.
Ethnic minorities endure continual unwarranted suspicion, false accusations, and unprovoked assaults. Slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, purposeful disenfranchisement, lynching, and redlining have brought incalculable pain.
Why Christian Citizenship - God and Government
Does the Bible deal with human/earthly government?
Yes. God instituted human government in the beginning with Adam. In Genesis, God created the world and established Adam as the head of the world government at that time.
God gave Adam dominion over all the animals, plants and every living thing.
The Price
America was not handed freedom as a gift. Liberty was not bartered at a treaty table. This country was not bequeathed independence by a benevolent tyrant. America fought for freedom.
Our nation was born in the crucible of war. Independence was declared and liberty secured because courageous men and women chose to risk a “leap in the dark” over the inevitable dismal prospect of subjugation.
Help Wanted: A Job for Everyone
In his book, Rules of Engagement, Chad Hennings relates a story about how he and his fellow A-10 pilots coped with an inflight emergency.
During the Gulf War, Hennings and his wingmen were a flight of four A-10’s traveling from Bentwater/Woodbridge in the U.K. to Incirlik, Turkey. Over the Mediterranean Sea, Hennings’ A-10 began to lose oil pressure, forcing him to shut down one engine…
Personal Response: Evaluate! (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 14)
It is not enough to hear the Word – we must do what it says. Over the past 13 articles, we’ve looked closely at what the Bible teaches about Racism, and we’ve applied it to our personal lives. But there is another step: Evaluate.
Now that you know what God’s Word says, look closely at the ideas that are being presented in the culture around you and compare them with the Word of God.
Time Management in Faith
Time Management is crucial in everyday life. Family, work, and friends all demand our time.
How many of you have been so busy that you prayed for a 25th hour in the day?
How many of you want a stronger relationship with God but you just can’t find the time? You are just too busy at this moment, maybe later.
Our Neighbors
It happened from time to time.
Someone in the audience would ask what he thought was a trick question.
This was supposed to be some kind of test.
The trap nearly always caught the trapper.