It is time to engage our hearts in some form of civic education and involvement for the well-being of our nation
This is how we are educating and empowering Christians on their civic duties…
When you TAKE THE PLEDGE to pray, vote, and engage, we will send you a weekly email and text messages to empower you to do all three and to never forget an election again.
Our goal is to find YOU - the awakening Christian who understands that there is a need in our nation and get you involved with practical civics education to promote biblical values or get involved in our local communities.
We are the outreach team to get every Christian involved somewhere whether that is the pro-life movement, the fight to stop human trafficking, the pro-family movement or to help you get involved in campaigns. We work as a ministry within Family Policy Alliance Foundation to get Christians activated around the nation.
We use our podcast, our hundreds of articles, our classes, and personal mentoring to help every Christian find their passion for America.
We are here to educate ordinary believers on the national issues that are central to our belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God and how those issues should affect the way we pray, vote, and engage our culture. Our goal is to provide a place of connection and practical educational tools for Christians to participate in civic engagement the right way.
Through our on-demand video classes, our other online classes, programs in churches, and weekly Conversations with Christians Engaged show - we cover topics like getting to know your elected officials, being light and salt in our communities, advocacy from a non-partisan perspective, keeping your heart right when engaging in politics, leadership training for Christians in all spheres of influence, topics from a biblical perspective, and practical steps to get you moving!