Education, Engagement, Devotional Scott Jones Education, Engagement, Devotional Scott Jones

Help Wanted: A Job for Everyone

In his book, Rules of Engagement, Chad Hennings relates a story about how he and his fellow A-10 pilots coped with an inflight emergency.

During the Gulf War, Hennings and his wingmen were a flight of four A-10’s traveling from Bentwater/Woodbridge in the U.K. to Incirlik, Turkey. Over the Mediterranean Sea, Hennings’ A-10 began to lose oil pressure, forcing him to shut down one engine…

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Engagement, Devotional Andrew Tome Engagement, Devotional Andrew Tome

Opportunity - Influence the Course of our Nation

If you’re a follower of Jesus, be encouraged. It’s NOT extreme to hold Christian values or to stand for life and traditional family values. In fact, the opposite of those things is pretty extreme, yet they are being touted as normal by the media and in our schools, etc.

We have an opportunity to do 3 things that can influence the course of our nation and our communities – Be a light, make a difference, and lead the way!

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Engagement, Education Jack Wyman Engagement, Education Jack Wyman

Life After Roe

It went off like a fire alarm in the night.

It thundered across the legal, political and cultural landscape of an already deeply divided nation.

For many, it was the death-knell of women’s rights; for others, a liberty bell of life.

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Engagement Bunni Pounds Engagement Bunni Pounds

Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court to Protect Religious Liberty

On May 5th - I personally signed onto a second Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court as President of Christians Engaged. This brief was organized by a non-profit called Advancing American Freedom (Founded by former Vice President Mike Pence) on a very important national case - Kennedy v. Bremerton School District. This case could be one of the most important in our nations’ history to protect the religious freedom of government employees.

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Engagement, Devotional Guest Contributor Engagement, Devotional Guest Contributor

JOSEPH – A Leader in a Foreign Land

Who is your favorite Bible character? 

For me – it’s Joseph.

I asked myself why I like his story so much, and I guess it’s because he was the original comeback kid.  Joseph never seemed to let all the bad things that he went through get him down. 

Joseph realized that God was with him even in the difficult times – even in a foreign land.

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Engagement, Education Bunni Pounds Engagement, Education Bunni Pounds

Join Christians Engaged at March for Life in Washington DC

The right to life is a human right. Our defense of that right is a joyful witness to the beauty and dignity of every human person. Pray about coming to Washington DC with us as we march in one of the most historic years for the pro-life movement in our national history. Join with Christians Engaged as we participate in this historic event! We would LOVE for you to hang out with us!

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Devotional, Engagement Guest Contributor Devotional, Engagement Guest Contributor

Rewarding a Lunchroom Thief

A lunch room thief began stealing food from others at my company. A hidden camera was installed and the thief was caught… only to find out it was not someone who fortuitously saw something delicious in someone else’s lunchbox and decided to take it.  No, this person was merely hungry.  

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

Bunni’s Top 10 Podcast Episodes

We are finalizing our first Season (55 episodes) of our Conversations with Christians Engaged podcast this week and I have been reflecting on some of my favorite interviews since we started this fun adventure in June 2020. Will you join me on a journey of remembrance over my personal top 10 podcasts?

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Prayer, Engagement, Inspirational Scott Jones Prayer, Engagement, Inspirational Scott Jones

The Magdeburg Confession

Increasingly, Christianity is being oppressed by government entities at all levels. The Church in Magdeburg faced tyranny and persecution and their application of Biblical truth to their situation is instructive for the believer in the United States in the 21st century. It offers both a theological and a practical approach to civil and political engagement in the face of persecution.

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Engagement Bunni Pounds Engagement Bunni Pounds

Our First Two Years

This is a special edition of our President’s Letter by Bunni Pounds for Giving Tuesday 2021. Read our report on our first 2 years and hear what we have planned for 2022 and beyond.

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Education, Engagement Jack Wyman Education, Engagement Jack Wyman

Well Done

If we insist on viewing history through an inverted ideological periscope, our vision of the future will be irretrievably blurred. Without the guidance and wisdom of the past, we will drift off course, and our Ship of State will lie at anchor.

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Engagement Jack Wyman Engagement Jack Wyman

Above All

Winston Churchill insisted that courage was the greatest virtue - the virtue that made all others possible.

In his leadership of Great Britain during World War II, Churchill demonstrated the truth of his assertion. It was his courage that marshalled and united the English people against the Nazi war machine.

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Engagement Dorothy Brooks Engagement Dorothy Brooks

Engagement of the Gray-Haired Generation

A brief perusal of media including social media clearly reveals that this is a time for ALL hands to be “on deck” and engaged.

We, as Christians, must stand up for the issues that we care about, and we cannot be silent. Age should not be a deterrent – we need everyone in their 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s – the gray-haired generation to rise up. 

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Voting, Engagement, Vote (Book) Bunni Pounds Voting, Engagement, Vote (Book) Bunni Pounds

The Gift our Founders Gave Us: Every Vote Counts & Every Election Matters

Mrs. Powell asked him a thought-out question about the proceedings inside – “Well, doctor,” she asked, “what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”

Dr. Franklin shot back – “A republic, madam – if you can keep it.”

Never in the history of the world had a nation set up a system of government that would REQUIRE the people to govern themselves. It was unheard of.

How could the founders have trusted the people of America to keep our system of government strong? Ultimately in this republic – “We the People” are tasked with being the governing authority.

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Engagement, Voting, Vote (Book) Scott Jones Engagement, Voting, Vote (Book) Scott Jones

The Bottom of the Ballot – Those Pesky Judges

Judge Gus Jones was the circuit judge in Eldorado, AR, for many years. He was also my grandfather and my father frequently reminded me of this aphorism of his. Now by equity, he did not mean the contemporary idea that if you have something I don’t, then you are oppressing me and equity demands I get it. Equity in the traditional sense means: Justice, what is right. As Noah Webster reminds us:

In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason. (Webster 1828)

Justice and equity are attributes of God. In His Word, He repeatedly demonstrates that justice and equity are important to righteousness.

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