Engagement of the Gray-Haired Generation

By Dorothy Brooks

A brief perusal of media, including social media, clearly reveals that this is a time for ALL hands to be “on deck” and engaged.

We, as Christians, must stand up for the issues that we care about, and we cannot be silent. Age should not be a deterrent – we need everyone in their 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s – the gray-haired generation, to rise up. 

This month alone we have seen the following issues:

·        Congress is pushing to expand the Supreme Court to reverse the new Texas “heartbeat” bill. With Democrats controlling the U.S. House, the Presidency, and the Senate being on the fence - we are vulnerable to this possibility. Unfortunately, we saw that no one in the Democrat Party stood up for LIFE in the U.S. Congress this month. On an issue that should be non-partisan, we are seeing it politicized where vulnerable children will suffer.

·        The COVID-19 death toll is continuing as the delta variant rages. The lies, hidden agendas and half-truths have bred mistrust in the American public. On whatever side we come down regarding the vaccine – we must all agree that mandating Americans go against their consciences is not a good idea. To see the heavy hand of government in vaccine mandates from the White House should cause us all to be concerned. At the same time – we need to stay safe and take this disease seriously.

·        On the Afghanistan front – the current administration left millions of dollars in equipment when the last plane left at the end of August. Some Americans, many Afghanistan citizens and military dogs were left behind in this rush to pull out of Afghanistan by the Taliban’s deadline. This should concern all of us and we should do the honorable thing and make this right so that our national reputation is not hurt for the long-term.

·        One in five churches has closed forever. Many businesses and organizations have shut their doors permanently as COVID cases increase and lockdowns in certain parts of the nation continue. People’s individual lives, their communities, and their livelihoods are continuing to be affected in this season. We need wisdom and help from God in this moment.

This is social and spiritual war and anyone who has experience, creativity, wisdom, or courage must be engaged in overturning the encroachment of socialism, radical agendas, and evil plots.

The Gray-Haired Generation must report for duty, and here is why:

The Lord provides strength. We can apply the promise in Ruth 4:15 given to Naomi (who previously called herself Mara or BITTER).  “He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age.”

There is also the promise Isaiah 40:31“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”

Although our physical bodies are changing, we can still tap into the reserve of energy; a surplus of knowledge; and an abundance of wisdom. All are needed now. We cannot let the drama that is being played out cause us to refrain from using OUR skills in political activities that interest us. We can tap into our skills while also being wise about how busy we should be.

The challenge is multi-generational.

The Bible speaks to individuals and to the generations. Promises made to a family patriarch are often realized by subsequent generations IF they continue to belong to the family of God. Examples include Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Timothy’s mom, grandmother Eunice, and Timothy. The fulfillment of the promise might involve the STRENGTH of the young and contribution of wisdom from the gray-haired generation. God can and will direct all generations on what is to be contributed and when it is to be done.

Proverbs 20:29 “The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.”

There is room to grow.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta states “You can grow brain cells at any age”.

This can be done by doing brain exercises; participating in challenging activities; and engaging with diverse groups of people and new ideas.

Apply the wisdom of a life spent following the Lord.

Our country can benefit from the wisdom of the gray-haired generation who can tell stories of the benefit of hard work; the blessing of American citizenship; and why they became more conservative as they aged.  Our silence has hurt all of us. It is now time to speak and become active politically in more ways than just in the vote. The gray-haired ones can hold office; become precinct chairs; write letters; petition for recalls, etc. Let’s demonstrate our effectiveness and strength by seriously and effectively impacting this present poisonous climate. WE can become the change.

Job 32:7 “I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.”

Psalm 71: 18Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.”

Get out of that chair. Turn off the TV. It’s time for action. ENGAGE!

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WAKE UP! CONFERENCE – November 5-6


Opening Remarks to the Ways and Means Committee