Bunni’s Top 10 Podcast Episodes

By Bunni Pounds

We are finalizing our first Season (55 episodes) of our Conversations with Christians Engaged podcast this week, and I have been reflecting on some of my favorite interviews since we started this fun adventure in June, 2020. Will you join me on a journey of remembrance over my personal top 10 podcasts?

Launched originally to get information out to people quicker than we could write it - I have interviewed elected officials, ministry leaders, board members, pastors, authors, and teachers. It has been a blast!

Here are my personal top 10 podcasts - not in order of importance.

I love all 55 of them since there is a part of my heart and soul in all of them. These are the ones that have impacted my life the most as we created them and the ones I love to go back and listen to again. If you missed any of them - check them out. Remember to SUSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel or our Audio Podcast on whatever service you use.

I pray they bless you, if you haven’t heard them.

Our goal in 2022 is to increase the production value of our podcast to reach even more people with these important conversations in the future. Would you consider helping us do that with a yearend gift?

Ep: 54 - Eric Metaxas: CE Book Club- Is Atheism Dead?

The podcast where I totally geek out over my love for Eric Metaxas - my favorite author of all time. All of his books have impacted my life so much,0 and this man’s calling to bring our hearts and minds together to impact change make his books so important for the Body of Christ in these times. Geek out with me and listen to this interview.

Video: https://youtu.be/UlA25FgUYXk

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-54---CE-Book-Club---Eric-Metaxas-e1b9rjk/a-a71ljf7

Ep: 10 - Kyle Martin: The Gospel: The Only Way to Forever Impact America

We recorded this podcast right before the 2020 Presidential Election. I wanted to remind everyone that at the end of the day the gospel is the only thing that saves. Kyle Martin, the founder of Time to Revive, is one of the greatest evangelists of our time, and his love for people is contagious. This conversation blesses my heart even now.

Video: https://youtu.be/AKIVv_W1CO4

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-10---Kyle-Martin-of-Time-to-Revive-elru0g/a-a3ne87l

Ep: 16 - Corey Russell: CE Book Club - Teach Us to Pray

Our very first book Club interview at the beginning of 2021 on the power of prayer with my dear friend Corey Russell. This book impacted so many people’s lives as they read it. I still get emails thanking us for turning them onto Corey Russell and his books on Prayer. Never gets old.

Video: https://youtu.be/Hud0oL4VaNY

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-16---CE-Book-Club-Corey-Russell-eoapnk/a-a47q1gk

Ep: 52 - Frances Fitzgerald: CE Book Club - The Evangelicals

The incredible opportunity I had to connect with this Pulitzer Prize winning author makes my heart sing. Frankie wrote the history of the evangelicals on politics throughout US history, and it is stunning. This book started my journey to create Christians Engaged, and it meant so much for me to share this time with her.

Video: https://youtu.be/2BrTpWH94Uc

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-52---CE-Book-Club-The-Evangelicals-e19gem5/a-a6pv8rp

Ep: 22 - Glenn Hegar: Our Texas State Comptroller on his job running the 9th largest economy in the world.

What a job this man has! He runs his office for the state with great integrity and conviction and keeps Texas moving. I was blessed interviewing this servant leader in Texas who should be a model for many as we talked energy independence, taxation and more…

Video: https://youtu.be/ZXfe4SuEFCU

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-22---TX-Comptroller-Glenn-Hegar-er4m2u/a-a4ork2u

Ep: 53 - Senator Bryan Hughes: Interacting with our Elected Officials

This was a Conversation that Senator Hughes and I recorded for our Lindale “On-Ramp to Civic Engagement” Seminar when he got stuck in Austin for another special session. We later released it on the podcast. We talked about persecution, the Heartbeat bill, how to interact with your elected officials effectively and how his faith impacts his work in Austin. So fun!

Video: https://youtu.be/UDfHOtEa2SY

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-53---State-Senator-Bryan-Hughes-e1a9ffo/a-a6ta8f9

Ep: 25 - Jay Richards: CE Book Club - Indivisible co-written with James Robison

Loved talking with scholar and Catholic author Jay Richards on his partnership with James Robison - an evangelical minister - to create a book that details out the issues that Christians should care out and how we should be active in saving the Republic. This book was the genesis for the Stream - a daily commentary website- and a powerful example of partnership in the Body of Christ over 10 years ago.

Video: https://youtu.be/uO5KYAcQfqk

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-25---CE-Book-Club-Jay-Richards-et5vaf/a-a50nb4i

Ep: 30 - Congressman Chip Roy: Sabbaths, social media, and his life as a congressman in a polarized time.

What an honor it was to share some time with one of my favorite Members of Congress as we talked about his personal life with his family and church. Congressman Roy is constantly trying to keep balance as a Christian with his time and communications and it is not always easy for Members of Congress or for us. Convicting for everyone in politics that we all need to watch our heart at all times and continue to look hard at our motivations in a polarized world.

Video: https://youtu.be/aCLwGym_hrc

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-30---Congressman-Chip-Roy-e10hhtr/a-a5gompk

Ep: 6 - David Barton: The First and Second Great Awakenings and the condition of the Church right now

You can’t get any better than David Barton breaking down history especially when he is talking about one of my favorite subjects- revival and the Great Awakenings. Many people have enjoyed this interview and I know you will as well.

Video: https://youtu.be/9rWmPt2XrKQ

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-6---David-Barton-of-WallBuilders-ejq2u5/a-a38b5hp

Ep: 46 - Senator Brian and Mel Birdwell: Remembering 9/11 - Twenty Years Later

To talk to a man who was burned on 90% of his body on 9/11 - after 20 years of bearing the wounds from the terrorist attacks, was a deep honor. Then to talk to his wife as well on the suffering she experienced and her perspective was deeply impactful. Thankful for the faithfulness of TX State Senator Brian and Mel Birdwell as they live out their faith in ministry and political life. This tribute podcast to September 11th as we remembered together will stay with me and hopefully all of us for years to come.

Video: https://youtu.be/rr-GUxDYU6Q

Audio: https://anchor.fm/ce-conversations/episodes/Ep-46---Remembering-911-with-a-Pentagon-Attack-Survivor-e176c60/a-a6gi5nn

Thanks for going on this journey with me through my 10 personal favorites from our 55 episodes of our Christians Engaged podcast. The future is going to be even better.

Our goal in 2022 is to increase the production value of our podcast to reach even more people with these important conversations. Will you help us?


Psalm 50 – You Thought I Was Altogether Like You


Psalm 49 - We Will Carry Nothing Away