Well Done

By Jack Wyman

I am a Christian.

I am an American.

A patriot.

A citizen.

I am also a son.

A husband.

A father.

A grandfather.

I am all these things to varying degrees of success, failure and difficulty.

I am resolved, by God’s strength within me, to live my convictions, share my faith, do my part, stand for truth, and make a difference.

When I stumble, to rise again and press on.

I ask God for the courage and integrity to join a cause greater than myself. The moral fortitude to stand for what I believe is right - and to oppose that which I believe is wrong.

No matter the price.

In doing this - in choosing to live this way - in resolving to follow my God-ordered conscience - I seek God’s wisdom and guidance in pursuing a biblical balance and a thoughtful and compassionate framework of life.

Wisdom and discernment are wonderful, always-needed, gifts given to us freely and generously by God, if we will but ask him in confident faith.

Christians in every generation have been challenged to practically live out their faith. From the beginning of creation. We are all tested. At different times. In different ways. In a wide range of eras and epochs.

In some periods, Christians have boldly engaged their culture and made large marks upon their time. Many have been creative and courageous reformers. On other occasions, believers have retreated from engagement and entered into self-imposed exile from the culture.

Were our Christian forebears to return to this world, would they not say, “been there, done that”? Are you and I not to acknowledge the great achievements of our ancestors and learn from their heroic examples? Their suffering, sacrifice and nobility - as well as their moral failures, collective transgressions and cultural myopia?

History is an ever-flowing stream that unfolds to us moment by moment. It is a great teacher - if we will be apt and diligent pupils. If we do not learn from the past, George Santayana famously told us, we will be doomed to repeat it.

We distort, scorn and re-write history at our own peril.

If we insist on viewing history through an inverted ideological periscope, our vision of the future will be irretrievably blurred. Without the guidance and wisdom of the past, we will drift off course, and our Ship of State will lie at anchor.

This is one of our greatest dangers. It’s manifest in the schools of our nation.

Freedom is a precious right. It is also an unrelenting duty. To think and speak and act as we wish is our American birthright, purchased by the blood of patriots. It does not end there. To honor their sacrifice, you and I must embrace responsible freedom.

The great chaplain of the Senate, Peter Marshall, said:

"May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right."

Following one of the country’s most contentious elections, Thomas Jefferson, the winner, told his fellow Americans:

“Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle.”

Jefferson was right. Yet, some differences of opinion are very much a difference in principle. For the Christian citizen, one of those principles is the unwavering allegiance to Jesus Christ, as Creator, Lord and Ruler of the universe.

He’s Lord of our lives. Our hearts and minds.

America is deeply divided as seldom in its history. We all seek unity and healing. Jesus said, “blessed are the peacemakers.” Unity must never come at the price of truth and conviction. It must not be imposed by those who will stop at nothing short of a unity of agreement and approval. Christians must never surrender their conscience, no matter how difficult the struggle or easy the capitulation.

To show grace, respect, kindness and compassion is to show Christ. To trade in our principles and beliefs for ideas more fashionable and convenient is not loving - it is a deceit of the devil.

Christians love our country. But we love God more.

"Patriotism consists not in waving the flag,” wrote historian James Bryce, “but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong."

This is our challenge and our duty. Christians must never fold our tent on this American republic or our need to be salt and light in a dark world.

It’s not easy, but nothing great ever is.

This is no time to retreat. This is no time to seek the comforting but deadly ignorance of isolation from a world of woe.

This is the time to wake up. To go forward. To press on!

As long as we are here, in this world, in this great country, you and I must rise up and be the Christians, patriots, Americans, citizens, parents and grandparents God has called us to be.

We do none of this perfectly. God is able to keep us from falling; able to preserve us, protect us, bless us and use us.

He forgives us our sins.

Our great goal is not success - it’s faithfulness.

Every generation of Christ-followers has had its special rendezvous with God’s purpose for its time. Ours is unfolding by the day.

Let’s be ready to grasp the opportunities God sends.

Let’s put on our Christian armor. Let’s engage the world. Let’s not be afraid, or timid, or apologetic. Let’s also not be hateful, angry, or judgmental - or carried away with bitterness.

Let’s lower our voices so our words can be heard, not just our emotions. Let’s determine to live every day for our Savior, who gave his life for us.

Let’s live triumphantly, joyfully and courageously. Let’s pray daily for our country and its leaders - no matter their party or opinions or principles.

Let’s work together, by God’s grace and strength, to help forge an America that is both strong and righteous.

In doing this, let’s put Jesus Christ first.

And seek His “well done.”

Is this article speaking directly to you? We are gathering the people that under that our republic is in trouble and believes they have a part as a Christian to impact change. Join us November 5th & 6th in DFW. www.thececonference.org

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