Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor

Your Identity as a Christian Living During a Worldwide Identity Crisis

As this latest racial crisis has hit our nation many are asking and some are demanding certain things from the church. Certainly it is nice to see that many still understand and recognize that the church has influence and is an agent of peace and hope in turmoil. But what they do not understand is…

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Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Samuel Bistrian Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Samuel Bistrian

The Invisible Enemy

There is an invisible enemy determined to end humanity. This enemy has no borders, it’s widespread and it locks people in forced and permanent confinement.

This enemy is tiny, but don't be fooled because it knows how to force all of humanity to its knees with its crafty infection. It can paralyze the body and the mind…

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

The Revelation of Jesus

I need some perspective right now.

I feel lost in a sea of getting up, trying to fill my day, seeking to ignore what is going on around me and coping. Yes, I said it - I am trying to cope like everyone else in the world.

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Engagement Nicole Williamson Engagement Nicole Williamson

A Tipping Point Moment

In a new book titled The New Era of Glory, author Tim Sheets writes, “Tipping-point moments or defining moments are decided by who defines the moment. King Jesus has called His ekklesia, His ruling and reigning Body, His governing intercessors to rise up and define this moment…

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

The Fight Against a NUMB Heart

Living in Dallas County, we are in the center of the storm here in Texas. We have the most cases of COVID-19 in the state. They are preparing the Dallas Convention Center to be a makeshift hospital with 250 to 1,250 beds. Also the Texas National Guard has moved into town at the direction of the Governor.

Many of us have been limiting our exposure to people outside of our homes for almost a month now (I know the rest of the state is still catching up with us)…

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Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Christian Collins Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Christian Collins

The Blessings of Solitude 

I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” -Albert Einstein

As a millennial I’m always on the move—attending meetings, completing items on what seems to be a never-ending to-do list—and that’s how I like it. I consult various political clients, I teach for a college, I lead a non-profit that hosts summits to educate youth on conservative principles, and I sit on advisory boards of a few non-profits. I’m a doer, and in the past, it’s been hard for me to sit still for too long without going stir crazy. However, in the wake of this Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic…

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Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor

What is God Doing in this Chaos?

Charles Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” describing a time in the 1700’s. In that same era, the First Great Awakening happened in America which for the most part focused on people who were already church members, pulling them away from ritual and ceremony only and making religion “personal” to the average person.

Does Dickens describe our current situation today?

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Prayer, Devotional Dorothy Brooks Prayer, Devotional Dorothy Brooks

Why Prayer is Colorblind

As an African American female who loves America and loves prayer, I was recently grieved by the mocking I saw online of Vice President Mike Pence and the Coronavirus Task Force as they prayed for answers for our nation as it relates to the coronavirus.

The picture that accompanied the criticism showed white men, many with white hair, PRAYING with their heads bowed. The criticism centered on BOTH the ACT of praying and the RACE of those praying. Both under attack…

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

Hope—Anchor of the Soul

“This HOPE we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast...” -Hebrews 6:19

I have always liked the picture of HOPE as a ROPE. It sounds funny - like a cool rhyme to laugh at, but it really makes sense. Our hope is attached to the promises of God and the character of God…

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

Coronavirus: Break Off the Fear!

I have something to say, and if you don’t want to hear it, it is probably because you most need to hear it:

It is time to break off the fear that coronavirus is producing in our world.

This is not the first time we have faced disease and terror in our nation, and it won’t be the last…

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