The Revelation of Jesus

By Bunni Pounds

I need some perspective right now.

I feel lost in a sea of getting up, trying to fill my day, seeking to ignore what is going on around me and coping. Yes, I said it - I am trying to cope like everyone else in the world.

I can’t say I am living a victorious life every day. There are many days that this coronavirus season is kicking my butt.

I am coping one day at a time with the boredom, the frustration of being stuck in my house, the fear of the future, the concern of getting sick, and financial problems that this pandemic is unleashing in people’s lives around me, and the elected officials’ responses to this disease and how that has affected our world.

I am feeling the pressure on our Texas elected officials, my friends in Congress, and on the President and the Vice President. Many days, I am so thankful I am not serving in Congress, and then other days, I wish I was in the fray helping and serving.

I would have to say that I need a breakthrough today, and I bet if you were honest, you need one too.

I need to see someone bigger than myself.

I need to look at a bigger picture here.

I need to understand again that God sees and knows what I am feeling and experiencing right now. He understands our suffering. He suffered. But I need a clearer picture.

I am desperate to see Jesus. I need to see Him TODAY!

So, I open my Bible…

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave Him to show His servants - things which must shorty take place.” - Revelation 1:1

During this season, I have been listening not only to my pastors here in Dallas and Forney, but pastors around our nation during this time. Some of the best preaching is happening with spiritual leaders being vulnerable, authentic, and real.

Other leaders, though, are just “doing church” as normal – still trying to do their programs without a touch of reality concerning the crisis in America. They are just moving the show online instead of it being in a building. People can see the difference in this season. We are desperate for something real.

You and I both need to know there is a God who is alive, understands our sufferings, and will ultimately overcome all this pestilence, dysfunction, and pain.

We need to be reminded that Jesus is coming back. Jesus is not going to leave us here on an earth full of disease, unemployment, anger, and fear forever. He is coming again.

This is our LIVING HOPE! Jesus is coming back.

When I hear pastors and ministers talk about that message, the second coming of Jesus, my heart settles down from the panic that this will never end. I see my life, these circumstances with new eternal eyes.

I must see Jesus. We must see Jesus.

So, I am turning to Revelation 1.

Will you turn your eyes with me for just a moment to true REALITY?

In this first chapter of the book that most of us ignore, we can see the soon coming King noticeably clear.

Here is who JESUS is…

  • He is the faithful witness (vs.5)

  • He is the firstborn from the dead (vs.5)

  • He is the ruler over the kings of the earth (vs.5)

  • He loves us (vs. 5)

  • He washed us from our sins in His own blood (vs.5)

  • He has made us kings and priests to His God and Father (vs. 6)

  • He has glory and dominion forever (vs. 6)

  • He is coming with clouds (vs. 7)

  • All of the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him (vs. 7)

  • He is the Alpha - the beginning of everything (vs. 8)

  • He is the Omega - the end of everything (vs. 8)

  • He is, was, and is to come (vs. 8)

  • He is in the midst of the seven lampstands - He stands in LIGHT (vs. 13)

  • He is clothed with a garment down to His feet - He is clothed like royalty (vs. 13)

  • He is girded about the chest with a golden band - He has precious resources (vs. 13)

  • His head and hair were white like wool - Even his hair is pure (vs. 14)

  • His eyes are like a flame of fire - eyes of consuming fire (vs. 14)

  • His feet are like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace - they are steadfast (vs. 15)

  • His voice is as the sound of many waters - soothing and clear (vs. 15)

  • He had in His right hand seven stars - He holds the Universe in his hand (vs. 16)

  • Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword - His words have the ability to change our hearts and bring discernment (vs. 16)

  • His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength- His face is captivating and strong (vs. 16)

  • He speaks to us “Do not be afraid” (vs. 17)

  • He LIVES and was dead and is alive forevermore (vs. 18)

  • He has the keys of Hades (Hell) and of Death (vs. 18)


He has got this!

Even in the #DaysofCorona, He is the King!

That is all it took for some new perspective.

I had to just see HIM again.

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