Where could it be?
I looked everywhere: the house, the car, my office. It was nowhere to be found. My cellphone charger was missing. I checked the suitcase.
I told our daughter, three hours away, to keep an eye out for it. We had spent the weekend with our family and hoped it might turn up at their house.
Two days later, I was getting ready for a business meeting. I slipped my right foot into my loafer. I felt something in the toe. I reached in—and, to my unanticipated joy and relief, pulled out my charger. Then I remembered that, for some reason, I had curled up the cord and stuffed the charger into my shoe.
Biblical Worldview - Part 10- Why Doesn’t God Just Remove All Evil?
In the last article, we saw that evil entered our world through the choice of Adam. Adam and Eve’s terrible disobedience brought with it devastating consequences for all mankind and the whole world… It can be difficult to understand why a loving, all-powerful God doesn’t purge the earth of evil.
Christians Must Stop Seeing Politics as 'Evil' Says Former Congressional Candidate
Christian Newswire Press Release - May 8, 2024 - “Christians Must Stop Seeing Politics as 'Evil' Says Former Congressional Candidate”
Is Cultural Marxism Compatible with Christianity?
Two Different Worldviews: I will start by asserting that the Marxist worldview is incompatible with a Biblical worldview. . . Western civilization is based on the Biblical worldview, that is why cultural Marxists must destroy it. “Western civilization is under fire. That’s the ultimate enemy of the wokeness, of post-modernity, of cultural Marxism, of leftism, of all that stuff. The ultimate enemy is western civilization. They’re trying to deconstruct it.
Biblical Worldview - Part 9 - Why is there Evil and Suffering?
“I just don’t understand - why did this happen to me??” At some point or another, all of us have had questions to this effect. We all experience suffering, pain, and loss, and sometimes the pain is so great that it can be difficult to understand how God could allow it.
Spirit-Led Prayer and Prophetic Prayer
When praying for someone in person, we pray most effectively when we have heard from God through spending time with Him. In that place of intimacy, we receive an overflow of God’s anointing and compassion.
Ascending to the Upper Room of Prayer
We often speak of “mountaintop” experiences where we spend time alone with God. These encounters bring peace, joy, wisdom and revelation from Him and of Him, sometimes in a profound way. Ascending to the high places to abide with God will often transform us—He knows that. God is always calling out to us to come up higher.
Keep Looking Up
Anticipation lasted for weeks. The event? Barely four minutes. It didn’t change anything.
Biblical Worldview - Part 8 - The Weakness of God’s Law
How can something that’s perfect have a weakness?
We live in a universe created by a moral God. He has expressed Himself through the laws and
moral principles found in Scripture, with which we can know right from wrong. The commands of
the LORD reflect the very nature and character of God. Collectively they instruct us on which
choices are right, and they protect and warn us from making choices that are wrong.
The Power of Loving Obedience
“If you love Me, obey My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads
into all truth. John 14:15-17 NLT
No words could express more simply or more powerfully the inconceivably glorious place
Christ gives to obedience.
Ministries' Strategic Partnership Empowers Christians to Run for Public Office - and Win
Ministries' Strategic Partnership Empowers Christians to Run for Public Office - and Win
The Spiritual Battle
He (Jesus) made the things we can see and the things we can't see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16 NLT
Many years ago, God helped me understand, and better comprehend, the unseen world that exists around us. He graciously gave me the privilege to see the workings of the spiritual world through a vision.
Biblical Worldview - Part 7 - What is the Basis for Right and Wrong?
I’ll never forget Sociology class in college, especially the day the professor taught the
concept of Mores and Social Relativity. “Mores are rules agreed upon by a social group,
including what people hold to be right and wrong,” she said. She went on to explain that since
ideas, beliefs, and behavior vary according to time and place, nothing is really right or wrong;
instead, each group decides what they think is right or wrong, and for them, it is. Those who
break social mores aren’t doing anything intrinsically wrong or evil, they are just “deviants.”
Furthermore, no social group is allowed to question the mores of another social group,
according to this philosophy.
God’s Relentless Love Pursues the Lost and Hurting
We are all wounded, and every wound represents the potential to hurt other people. We sometimes do crazy things to try to cope with our wounded hearts. When a person lashes out at you, God wants you to see that person through His eyes, and to realize there is a hurting heart buried in the rubble of pain. Only God can heal a broken heart, no matter the source of the offense, whether self-inflicted or brought about by another person. It does not matter your station in life, whether you are at the pinnacle or the bottom of the heap, God offers His relentless love to heal your aching and wounded heart.
Biblical Worldview - Part 6 - Saved for What?
So you’ve experienced spiritual salvation! Wonderful!! There is much rejoicing over you in
heaven! But is that the end? Maybe you’ve read the previous articles and thought to yourself,
“Yes, I became a Christian years ago, so I guess that’s it. There’s nothing left for me to do.”
Actually, your story is just beginning!
More than a Belief
I hate to be late.
I don’t mind so much if others are—things come up. That’s understandable and we all have to be gracious and patient.
It’s no big deal.
A family emergency? That’s quite a different thing. We’ll leave immediately and head to the one we love. We’ll get there as soon as we possibly can. We’ll dodge traffic, speed, and might even go through a red light or two to get there.
One thing we wouldn’t do is delay. We wouldn’t get distracted or forget. If it’s urgent and immediate, then it’s the priority. We go. Fast.
Abide with God and Receive His Resurrected Life
“Yes, I am the Vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.” When we abide with God in prayer, our yielding to Him will bear the fruit we seek. This seems to be a paradox and backward to our finite earthly minds, but the power for the answer comes from laying down our concerns and burdens and choosing to abide in Him.
Biblical Worldview - Part 5 - The First and Last Adam
Frankenstein. Just that one word conjures up so many images! Countless books, movies, and stories have been based on the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley. But did you know that Frankenstein is not the name of the monster, but the name of the doctor who created him?
Jesus is Coming Quickly
Christians have a foundational truth in their arsenal that puts everything in our lives into perspective. It doesn’t make sense to unbelievers, but it is what gives us joy, peace and hope: Jesus is coming back.