Spirit-Led Prayer and Prophetic Prayer

By: David McFadden

When praying for someone in person, we pray most effectively when we have heard from God through spending time with Him. In that place of intimacy, we receive an overflow of God’s anointing and compassion. When you choose to linger or abide in God’s presence, listening, He fills you with His attributes and a measure of His character. He imparts His compassion, His empathy, His love, His anointing and His power so we can, in turn, “pour out” His blessing on others. The Bible tells us that “…out of our bellies will flow rivers of Living water.” Effective, Spirit-led prayer requires being filled so you can be poured out. A true believer lives to give.

Before praying for someone, no matter the setting, please consider listening to the Holy Spirit. This may require you to ask the person who wants prayer to give you a few moments to hear from God. Why should you do this? God will sometimes speak prophetically while you listen. I have received just a single word that changed everything for a person.

Effective prayer is Spirit-led prayer.

The person who asks for prayer is special to God—He knows the intents of his or her heart. When we listen, God will give us a glimpse of relevant insight into that person’s life who is requesting prayer. Why? Because God knows what happened ten minutes earlier and what happened last week in that person’s life. When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, He revealed her past to her. The result was that her shame was replaced with faith. Because Jesus knew the details of her life and did not condemn her; she gained a real sense that God loved her. Knowing how much God loves you will change everything.

Sometimes, after hearing a prayer request, we will often develop a preconceived notion concerning what to pray, as well as how to pray. For instance, while serving in altar ministry, I often hear similar prayer requests, so it is easy to “jump in” and pray the “normal” prayer for that situation. However, I have found that if I will take a few moments to listen to the Holy Spirit, I will gain special insight for that person. Why is this important? Every person is unique,

so Jesus wants to teach you how to pray uniquely on each occasion—He wants you to produce good fruit that will glorify the Father.

Also, please consider that when you are praying for a person, that moment is a divine appointment. Since that is the case, then God has been orchestrating that person’s encounter with you for days or even months. That means God has chosen you, and trusted you, to accomplish a mighty work in that person’s life. What a place of honor that God would choose to use you or me for an eternal work in another precious soul. We should thank God and take His divine appointments seriously and soberly.

Prophetic Prayer

Throughout Scripture, God gave important information, wisdom and instruction to His prophets, priest and patriarchs through prophetic words and visions. We know that under the New Covenant, believers are referred to kings and priest in God’s kingdom. So it makes sense that He would communicate with us this way, too. As a prayer warrior, it’s vital to recognize when God speaks to us through visions and dreams because He has something important that He needs to convey in the moment. It is also important to note that a response is required when God speaks prophetically, which requires a humble and faithful heart. 

Proverbs 29:18 gives another interesting insight to consider when praying. “Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off self-control.” This Scripture speaks to groupings of people such as a congregation, a community or even a family unit. God is saying that we need to take time to receive His prophetic plan and purpose, so that we can enjoy His peace and live in His order. Often, when asked to pray, receiving a prophetic word or vision should be expected and considered a vital part of interceding for a person in prayer. It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Having this visual insight can bring clarity into the situation so we can pray effectively. Just a reminder, an authentic vision of the Lord will be edifying, uplifting, purposeful, instructive and will align with His Word. Moreover, it will not be overly complicated or mysterious to the point of bringing confusion—

God is a God of order and not of confusion.

Here is an example of prophetic prayer. While serving in the Crisis Marriage ministry, the counselors pray beforehand for the couples coming for help. One time I “saw” (prophetically) a couple arguing while driving to their counseling appointment, giving us insight into how to pray. Another time, I visualized a “blanket” of peace and security enveloping the couples as they stepped through the door to the church office. Again, these prophetic insights allowed us to agree with God in prayer and then later see the prophetic insights confirmed during the sessions.

Please note that God’s blanket of peace I visualized was not going to just happen—God gave the picture so we could agree with Him by praying it into existence. Put differently, God had the provision of peace and security for the couples but we had to agree with Him to bring it about. That is the essence of effective prayer—Spirit-led prayer is agreeing with God’s Word, both written and spoken.—Ω

Taking God’s Word Back to Him in Prayer

Heavenly Father, I so much desire more of You and less of me. As I abide in You, fill me with Your super-natural love and anointing, giving me the ability to extend Your blessings and provisions to the people I know and meet. I ask You for a “now” Word so I can speak Life, just as Jesus spoke Life to the Samaritan woman at the well. Please help me recognize that You have a “Word in season” for me because You want to accomplish something in me or through me. Help me to realize that Your divine encounters are precious and that You have trusted me with a person’s future that You have planned for them.

LORD, I desire to step into Your plans and purposes as You speak to me by Your Spirit and through prophetic visions and dreams. I ask You to guard my heart and mind in the high calling of spirit-led prayer and prophetic prayer. I surrender myself to know Your Word so that You will be glorified through me in prayer. I ask this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Excerpted and adapted from, “Prayer by the Book”

Available on Amazon.com by clicking here: Prayer by the Book


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