Engagement Dorothy Brooks Engagement Dorothy Brooks

Engagement of the Gray-Haired Generation

A brief perusal of media including social media clearly reveals that this is a time for ALL hands to be “on deck” and engaged.

We, as Christians, must stand up for the issues that we care about, and we cannot be silent. Age should not be a deterrent – we need everyone in their 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s – the gray-haired generation to rise up. 

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Voting, Engagement, Vote (Book) Bunni Pounds Voting, Engagement, Vote (Book) Bunni Pounds

The Gift our Founders Gave Us: Every Vote Counts & Every Election Matters

Mrs. Powell asked him a thought-out question about the proceedings inside – “Well, doctor,” she asked, “what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”

Dr. Franklin shot back – “A republic, madam – if you can keep it.”

Never in the history of the world had a nation set up a system of government that would REQUIRE the people to govern themselves. It was unheard of.

How could the founders have trusted the people of America to keep our system of government strong? Ultimately in this republic – “We the People” are tasked with being the governing authority.

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Engagement, Voting, Vote (Book) Scott Jones Engagement, Voting, Vote (Book) Scott Jones

The Bottom of the Ballot – Those Pesky Judges

Judge Gus Jones was the circuit judge in Eldorado, AR, for many years. He was also my grandfather and my father frequently reminded me of this aphorism of his. Now by equity, he did not mean the contemporary idea that if you have something I don’t, then you are oppressing me and equity demands I get it. Equity in the traditional sense means: Justice, what is right. As Noah Webster reminds us:

In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason. (Webster 1828)

Justice and equity are attributes of God. In His Word, He repeatedly demonstrates that justice and equity are important to righteousness.

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Education, Engagement Jack Wyman Education, Engagement Jack Wyman


It is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States.

Few are more prestigious anywhere in the world.

It is sweeping in its academic presence, comprising ten scholastic facilities.

It boasts the largest academic library system in the world - 79 individual libraries, containing over 20 million items.

It has an endowment of $42 billion, the largest of any academic institution on earth.

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Devotional, Engagement, Engage (Book) Scott Jones Devotional, Engagement, Engage (Book) Scott Jones

Passivity – The Seed of Sin

Thinking of politics and civics, I would argue that the dire situation in which we find ourselves today in the United States, stems largely from the passivity of the Church.

For almost 100 years, the Church has withdrawn passively from confronting the encroaching tyranny of the state. Church leaders invoke Romans 13 out of context and instruct their flock to “stay in their own lane”. When the Church passively fails to speak truth to power, the powerful will inevitably seize more and more power for themselves.

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