Engagement of the Gray-Haired Generation
A brief perusal of media including social media clearly reveals that this is a time for ALL hands to be “on deck” and engaged.
We, as Christians, must stand up for the issues that we care about, and we cannot be silent. Age should not be a deterrent – we need everyone in their 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s – the gray-haired generation to rise up.
Opening Remarks to the Ways and Means Committee
*** On September 29th - Bunni Pounds, President of Christians Engaged, testified in front of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee on the weaponization of the IRS. Here are her remarks in writing.
The Gift our Founders Gave Us: Every Vote Counts & Every Election Matters
Mrs. Powell asked him a thought-out question about the proceedings inside – “Well, doctor,” she asked, “what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”
Dr. Franklin shot back – “A republic, madam – if you can keep it.”
Never in the history of the world had a nation set up a system of government that would REQUIRE the people to govern themselves. It was unheard of.
How could the founders have trusted the people of America to keep our system of government strong? Ultimately in this republic – “We the People” are tasked with being the governing authority.
The Bottom of the Ballot – Those Pesky Judges
Judge Gus Jones was the circuit judge in Eldorado, AR, for many years. He was also my grandfather and my father frequently reminded me of this aphorism of his. Now by equity, he did not mean the contemporary idea that if you have something I don’t, then you are oppressing me and equity demands I get it. Equity in the traditional sense means: Justice, what is right. As Noah Webster reminds us:
In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason. (Webster 1828)
Justice and equity are attributes of God. In His Word, He repeatedly demonstrates that justice and equity are important to righteousness.
It is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States.
Few are more prestigious anywhere in the world.
It is sweeping in its academic presence, comprising ten scholastic facilities.
It boasts the largest academic library system in the world - 79 individual libraries, containing over 20 million items.
It has an endowment of $42 billion, the largest of any academic institution on earth.
Passivity – The Seed of Sin
Thinking of politics and civics, I would argue that the dire situation in which we find ourselves today in the United States, stems largely from the passivity of the Church.
For almost 100 years, the Church has withdrawn passively from confronting the encroaching tyranny of the state. Church leaders invoke Romans 13 out of context and instruct their flock to “stay in their own lane”. When the Church passively fails to speak truth to power, the powerful will inevitably seize more and more power for themselves.
What Do We Do with these National Burdens?
We see things.
We discern things.
We know something is not right.
When we watch the news and see corruption, political games, or injustice in our cities - we shudder.
Our eyes are wide open.
Separation of Powers and the Heart of Man
The vanity of men - there is nothing like the pull of power, influence, and the love of money. The Bible is full of admonishments to be aware and to be watchful as it relates to our own hearts.
Our God Stands with Us
Although we may be confident that the word of God is absolute truth, it can still be a lonely task to speak the truth to a society that has embraced postmodernism and has thus abandoned any notion of truth.
Words (A Reflection on Independence Day)
The setting sun was drawing another momentous day to a gentle close.
The candles were lighted in the upper room of the small boarding house on Market Street in Philadelphia…
Why the Founders Established the Electoral College
Over the last decade there has been heightened debate about the importance of the Electoral College. Because of increasingly close elections and several elections in recent memory…
ENGAGE - Stand on the Word of God
Are God’s principles relevant in the civil society? In the political arena, we are often told to be pragmatic and to support the candidate that can win…
Secrets to THRIVING in a Hostile Culture
I know there are others who might benefit from these SECRETS, so I wanted to share them with you. Maybe they will bring a little more color to your life…
A Defense of LIFE from One Young Woman to Another (A Response to Valedictorian Paxton Smith)
To say that one must have an abortion to be able to accomplish their dreams is not only a slap in the face to the millions of women who have worked hard to overcome their obstacles as a mother, but it is degrading to women as a whole…
Reflection & Gratitude this Memorial Day Weekend
As Americans, we gather for times to reflect and honor the lives of fallen men and women who served our nation, and we should do so with great gratitude. They fought and gave their lives for our freedom…
This Present Hour
The Scarecrow was pretty smart.
He might have thought he didn’t have a brain, but he repeatedly made observations and reached conclusions quite to the contrary…
The EVIL of Human Trafficking
From out of the shadows to the forefront is one the most horrendous issues facing our nation today: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEOC). In the United States alone, trafficking and sexual exploitation of children is at least…
CITIES: School Board Elections – Are They Really Important?
If nothing is more important than the education of our children, you would think that voter turnout would be high for school board elections. Sadly, it is not. For example…
CITIES: Practical Ideas to Impact & Shine in Your City
Within the Church, we talk about being “salt and light” in our communities, taking God outside the walls of our churches, and bringing the “God solutions” to real world problems…but how do we practically do that?