Psalm 19 – His Glory – No Excuses
The beauty of the heavens, the universe, is beyond what we can articulate and declare. The intricacies of the stars, the planets, and the Milky Way when studied…
The Importance of Giving Thanks (Especially in Times of Trouble)
It goes without saying that this past year has been difficult. Between the pandemic, lockdowns, political and social turmoil, it has been a trying time for us all…
Psalm 18 – Our Enemy is No Match for Our Strong God
This is our first lengthy Psalm where we won’t be able to go through it verse by verse, but we can pick out parts that we can really dig deep in to…
Psalm 17– When I Awake in Your Likeness
Walking with Jesus is much more than just waiting for Him to come back and whisk us away into heaven. There is a purpose as the verse above says…
Psalm 16 – Our Good Inheritance
We need to put the Lord’s words, His voice, and His worthiness always in the place of highest priority in our lives – so that we can remain stable and remain where we can “not be moved”…
Psalm 15 – Abiding in His Tabernacle
Living in His presence – abiding is the key to our internal and external change – not just TRYING to be better. Just so often, we are doing the opposite – striving, not abiding…
Psalm 14 – Are There Any Who Understand and Seek God?
Let’s begin by stating the obvious as the Psalmist does. We are fools if we do not believe in God. It is more difficult to not believe in God than it is to believe in God…
Psalm 13 – Enlightened Eyes
We do, in a sense, choose God AFTER we hear the gospel – because God wants voluntary lovers, not slaves…
Psalm 12 - Idle vs. Pure Words
It can seem like we, as Christians, are always on the defense, worried about how our beliefs could be misinterpreted and our families and church communities could come under attack...
Psalm 11 – If the Foundations are Destroyed?
Many days and hours are spent trying to silence Christians, keep us distracted, or dismantle our institutions. It is a fearful time where the “upright” need to seek God for wisdom even more than ever…
Psalm 10 – The Man of the Earth Will Oppress No More
Many times, we ask the question, why do bad things happen to good people? It is always the result of sin and evil in the world. This is the result of unrenewed minds to the Word of God acting out in the only way they know how…
I Saw the Lord (Part 3)
When we draw near to the Lord, this happens...we begin seeing the Lord’s heart for the world. We hear His heart cry…
Psalm 9 – Promises for the Wholehearted People of God
The overall vision of Psalm 9 is that God has a special plan for His people – those who seek Him, are dependent on Him and that pursue wholeheartedness, that they…
Psalm 8 – God Visited Us
Psalm 8 is a Messianic Psalm that prophesies Jesus’ birth and His dominion over everything in the heavens and on the earth. Even in these first 4 verses…
Psalm 7 – My Defense is of God
Psalm 7 is a meditation from David concerning the words of Cush – a Benjamite. Many Biblical scholars believe this was written during the reign of King Saul while David was…
I Saw the Lord (Part 2) – The Place of Seeing
To operate in anything supernatural, we have to live every day in the place Isaiah lived - described in Isaiah 6 - before the throne of God and before the glory of the Lord…
Psalm 6 – The Voice of My Weeping
Psalm 6 is the first real lament of David against the Lord and where his heart is consumed with thoughts of his enemies. He is depressed. We can feel the anxiety…
Psalm 5 – Heard by God, Joyful in Him
I am a morning person, so I know that those who are not may want to throw things at me as I teach through the first three verses of this Psalm…
Personal Prayer #3, Pray for Courage
In 2010, out of concern for the direction of our country, My wife Patti and I founded the Sachse Tea Party. On March 7, 2011 we received a notice from the IRS that we had been singled out…
Psalm 4 – Safety & Peace in Distress
In that prayer His primary desire is for us to be with Him where He is – beholding His glory. When I stop and mediate on that idea – my life makes sense…