Devotional, Engagement Guest Contributor Devotional, Engagement Guest Contributor

Rewarding a Lunchroom Thief

A lunch room thief began stealing food from others at my company. A hidden camera was installed and the thief was caught… only to find out it was not someone who fortuitously saw something delicious in someone else’s lunchbox and decided to take it.  No, this person was merely hungry.  

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Devotional Bunni Pounds Devotional Bunni Pounds

Psalm 37 – Do Not Fret & Feed on His Faithfulness

After a week of carrying burdens for our nation – peace flooded my heart as I read these words. This feeling on contentment in His promises is exactly why I need Jesus and the communion with Him in His Word.

This is true living!

Over and over again in Psalm 37 – God speaks these powerful words to our souls – “Do not fret!”

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Prayer, Voting, Engagement, Devotional Cindy Asmussen Prayer, Voting, Engagement, Devotional Cindy Asmussen

The Most Famous Book Ever Written and Why We Must Read It

Have you ever been intrigued by true stories filled with mystery, love affairs, crimes, assassinations and coups,  military strategy, law and courts, prophecies given and fulfilled, science and creation, the rise and fall of nations,  family discord and restoration, ancestry, adoption, details and destinies of individual lives, and supernatural miracles and events?  

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