Being a Doer of the Word

By David McFadden

How does life transformation happen?

It takes place when we take God’s Word back to Him in prayer.

God’s Word is transformative. We can “hear” His Word from many sources. Jesus often said, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!” (notice the exclamation point.)

The Bible tells us that as we diligently pursue Him (through His Word), He rewards us. One of the rewards is our minds are renewed through the washing of His Word—we are transformed.

A preacher or bible teacher prepares many hours to bring God’s Word to His people. Notes are made, paragraphs are written, and then rearranged. Some may practice speaking the message aloud, which brings even more refinements. When the writing is done, he or she goes before the Lord again, saying, “Lord, prepare my heart... Holy Spirit, freely use my speaking gift for Your glory. May these peoples’ hearts be changed by the washing of Your Word.”

Believers eagerly gather to hear a fresh Word of the Lord. The preacher or teacher steps into the podium knowing that God’s anointing is present to faithfully deliver the burden of truth given him.

There are many “amens” given—the crowd is moved by the oratory.

As the people turn to leave the meeting place, God’s messenger is left with a question. Have my efforts made a difference? Their minds were engaged... but what about their hearts? Will anyone apply the wisdom, instruction, inspiration, correction, or unction to become more like Jesus? After all, the Bible tells us that “ we behold His glory we are transformed from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord.” Will anyone here behold the Lord’s glory in His Word, today?

One way we behold His glory is to “receive” His Rhema Word (unveiled, revelatory, and life-giving) that our spiritual ears perceive, and then nurture and act on it.

James 1:22-25 tells us that we are only fooling ourselves if we do not apply His Word to our everyday living—our religious proclamations are in vain if we are not a doer of the Word.

A heart that is turned toward the Lord, and is tender concerning His purposes, is fertile ground for the Seed of God’s Word to germinate and grow, but it is our responsibility to nurture the Seed. God has a plan and purpose for your life, so He wants you to nurture His revelatory Word for a reason—His Word gives you everything you need to live your life for Him, abundantly far and above anything you can think or ask. (2 Peter 1:3-11)

If you tune your spiritual ears to hear His Word, when you hear it or read it, you are given the opportunity to experience the transformative power present in His Rhema Word. How do I do that? You take it back to Him—He wants to talk to you about it. He wants to hear His Rhema Word come back to Him from your lips. When you do, He changes you from the inside out, the miracle of heart transformation that only He can do.

Taking God’s Revelatory Word back to Him—Talk to Him about it.

Heavenly Father, I receive Your Word for me today; I know it is for me. I’m not completely sure how to apply this message to my life, but I do know that You want to transform me to be more like Jesus. Lord, I want so much to be a doer of Your Word, so help me nurture the Seed of Your Rhama Word planted in my heart, today. I ask You to work the truths of this message into my heart. Lord, I give you permission to prompt me, lead me, nudge me, and to remind me, so You can do Your perfect work in my life, for Your glory. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Excerpted and adapted from, “Prayer by the Book” - Available on Amazon here


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