Engagement Dorothy Brooks Engagement Dorothy Brooks

Engagement of the Gray-Haired Generation

A brief perusal of media including social media clearly reveals that this is a time for ALL hands to be “on deck” and engaged.

We, as Christians, must stand up for the issues that we care about, and we cannot be silent. Age should not be a deterrent – we need everyone in their 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s – the gray-haired generation to rise up. 

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Engagement, Prayer Eugene Ralph Engagement, Prayer Eugene Ralph

FROM PRAYER TO ENGAGEMENT: Political Parties - Should Christians Get Involved With Them?

This is the second blog post in our ongoing educational series, “FROM PRAYER TO ENGAGEMENT: EDUCATING CHRISTIANS ABOUT THE POLITICAL PROCESS”

What is a Political Party?

A political party is an organizational tool that is used to put forth ideas and to move agendas forward. Ordinary people join together in political parties to better define themselves in relation to the voting electorate and to make their message clear.

The people within the parties connect around issues, belief systems, and even personalities—leaders or candidates. When committed Christians are involved in a political party…

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Prayer, Engagement Kim Hesley Prayer, Engagement Kim Hesley

FROM PRAYER TO ENGAGEMENT: Party Conventions 101

This is the first blog post in our new educational series, “FROM PRAYER TO ENGAGEMENT: EDUCATING CHRISTIANS ABOUT THE POLITICAL PROCESS”

“I want to get involved in my party of choice, but I don’t know where to start.”

Is this something you’ve thought about or talked about with friends or family?  There are various ways to be involved in your party like volunteering on campaigns or joining a local political club, but one very effective and satisfying way is through the convention process…

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