Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

John 17 - His One Motivation (#1)

Everything throughout the Word of God is about to climax here with this one phrase – Glorify Your Son. From the time of Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden, God had a plan to redeem the earth. The plan was called JESUS. The end of the story in the book of Revelation centers around the angels, the Redeemed, and the four living creatures worshipping one person – JESUS.

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

Rep. Nancy Mace’s Courageous Story and the Power of Women Using Their Testimonies

In a courageous and deeply personal speech on the U.S. House floor, Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina did what many women fear to do: She named names, exposed injustices, and testified to the truth that shaped her life.

Standing firm in faith and conviction and yet shaking as she spoke, she shared her harrowing experience of uncovering and exposing heinous crimes against women, all while drawing strength from God and Scripture. It was hard to listen to and even harder to absorb the reality of her story.

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

What Eithan Haim’s Victory Teaches Us

The recent dismissal of the Department of Justice case against Dr. Eithan Haim is not just a legal victory for one person, but a crucial moment in the fight to protect children from harm. It is also another example of the real fact that if we, as American citizens, speak up loudly and consistency against injustices and pray, vote, and engage — electing leaders who are pursuing justice — that we can see victories on the issues that we care about. 

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

5 Post-Election Lessons for Christians

The recent election has left us with many lessons that we need to consider – particularly for the Body of Christ. In this critical moment, I believe God is speaking clearly to Christians engaged in the culture, highlighting the importance of the work we are doing and the direction we must take as we move forward in both ministry and service to others and our personal commitment to Jesus.

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Guest User Guest User

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Joins Nationwide Prayer Call Two Days from Razor-Close U.S. Election

Participants in the online prayer event will include Mike Johnson, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; Dr. Jack Graham, Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church; Kelly Shackelford, CEO of First Liberty Institute; Dr. Michael Brown, author and host of The Line of Fire radio show; and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, U.S. Representative for Washington's 5th congressional district, among many other leaders…

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

How Christians Can Engage in Politics Without Compromising Their Faith

I hear it all the time: “Bunni, how in the world can you be involved in that political world?” My own father felt that politics was inherently evil for years, but the Bible provides a perspective to help us understand our role in the world, emphasizing the power of us carrying love, justice and integrity as the hands and feet of Jesus. My testimony is that I have been involved in politics for over 20 years and I still love Jesus.

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

How to Stay Encouraged During a Politically Charged Season

Navigating politically charged times can often feel overwhelming and disheartening. Disagreements are rampant, tensions run high, and it seems like negativity is everywhere.

Christians have a source of encouragement and strength that transcends the surrounding chaos. Don’t lose relationships with your family and friends over politics. Don’t lose heart through discouragement when things don’t look like they are going in your desired direction.

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

‘My Vote Doesn’t Matter’: Responding to Christians Who Don’t Plan to Vote

As I’ve traveled across the nation this year, I’ve had many opportunities to share about my work mobilizing Christians to engage in the political process. What continues to surprise me, however, is that many believers tell me they do not plan to vote because their vote “doesn’t matter.”

Some tell me, “I already know who is going to win in my state.” Others claim, “I don’t know any of the people on the ballot. I wouldn’t even know who to vote for.” Still others tell me that it doesn’t matter who gets elected, because the problems will still be the same.

Regardless of our opinions, it’s important to look at what God’s Word states about the importance of being involved in our communities.

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Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds Education, Engagement Bunni Pounds

Lift Up a Standard

Jesus Christ Himself became the intercessor who would lift up a standard for the purpose of redemption. When there was no justice, Jesus was justice. When there was no one righteous, Jesus was righteousness. When there was no salvation, Jesus was salvation. When there was no intercessor, Jesus became intercession for the people whom He loved.

In the same way, we are called to be intercessors for our nation in our generation. We are the ones to carry the love of God and the presence of God to a hurting world.

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Inspirational Bunni Pounds Inspirational Bunni Pounds

A Special 2023 Year End Note from Bunni

This is what the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson publicly said about Christians Engaged:

“This is one of the key ministries in America working to equip and empower believers to stand for truth and make an impact on public policy and the direction of our country. ‘For such a time as this!’”

I can tell you, Christians Engaged is here for such a time as this.

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Devotional Bunni Pounds Devotional Bunni Pounds

Searching for Treasures in the Body of Christ

Are you stuck in “ordinary church life” participating in a church service-based existence? Does the modern way of doing church leave you wanting something more?

Do you say to yourself, “Where is the love? Where is the community?”

Or maybe you are someone who knows in their heart they are supposed to be interacting more with the Body of Christ, but you don’t have any motivation to really get to know people or serve them the way Jesus talked about?

There is something more.

There are treasures in the body of Christ, but we have to pursue them…and when we find them in each other, we will find the fullness of Christ!

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