Do Not Give Up, Stand Up! 

By Dr. Angela Ruark, Guest Contributor

Have you been watching the news and feeling like things are hopeless? Have you thought, “What’s the point? It feels like a lost cause now.” Maybe you have been tempted to isolate yourself to escape the madness. 

Dear Christian, those feelings and ideas are NOT from God. They are from the enemy, and they are designed to keep you afraid, hopeless, alone, and apathetic—the exact opposite of how God wants His people to be. 

Christians cannot afford to sit on the sidelines of politics and government any longer. A cursory perusal of the news regarding mandates, orders, and school board decisions provides plenty of evidence. Proverbs 29:2 tells us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”  

Think of the news you read that causes you to groan. Who is the person or persons in authority over that situation? 

What about the news that offers you a ray of hope? What is that situation? 

Dear Christian, you have more influence than you realize. And the most important thing you can do, without a doubt, is to pray. So please, pray. Pray for our President, Vice-President, and the rest of the federal government. Pray for your state and local governments, too, including school boards. We cannot and should not leave anything uncovered. 

But also, vote. You have a voice and a vote, and it matters. The Bible is clear about how to vote. Deuteronomy 1:13 says, “Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you.”

The “little” elections and the big ones are all important because they affect us and those we love. If we have an opportunity to offer Christian influence where we live, then let’s get to it. Jesus said in Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the word. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” 

 We want to preserve our God-given freedoms so we can freely share the Gospel. That is the ultimate goal—to help bring others to salvation in Jesus. It takes getting out there and being bold and unafraid to stand up and speak the truth in love. And like it says in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not grow weary in doing good; for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose hope.” 

It is time to pray, vote, and engage.

(Red White and Blue Lyric Video)

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