This is the Awakening

By Bunni Pounds


We think about prayer. 

We think about God sometimes. 

Maybe sometimes. 

Are we asleep or awake?

“Knowing the time that NOW it is high time to awake out of sleep.” (Romans 13:11)

Here a quote from our culture over the last few months.

“People who don’t believe are asleep. They are the walking dead, but this is the awakening!”

Guess who said that? One person I never suspected. 

It was Kanye West on the James Corden show

This is what I am believing for in our culture in America - a GREAT AWAKENING.

We are due. It is past time. 

We had the first Great Awakening in the 1730’s and the 1740’s and then the Second Great Awakening in the 1790’s and through the early 1800’s producing reformation movements for the abolition of slavery, the temperance movement, and women’s rights. 

We had movements in the early 1900’s that changed cities like LA and people’s habits as well where businessmen stopped to pray on their lunch breaks every day. There have been movements in our history, but it has been a long time. 

I haven’t seen one in my lifetime BUT this is the truth “when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19b)

The enemy of our souls is ravaging families in this nation, killing our children with abuse and depression, and causing even confusion with our identities of who we are. 

We are due for a move of God in the United States of America but moves of God don’t just happen. They are prayed into existence. 

We saw that through our history as well as people prayed, and things changed. 

Jesus is at the right hand of the Father as our Great High Priest always making intercession for us (Romans 8:34 and Hebrews 7:25). I love that picture of Jesus caring about us so much that the risen Lord doesn’t stop praying for us. 

What do you think He is praying for? 

I think He is calling out my name and your name. 

But I also believe He is praying for an awakening for the beautiful people of America.

He wants a harvest of souls in love with Him, whole and free, so He is praying......

He doesn’t stop. 

So, the question for us today right now is, are we joining with Jesus in PRAYER?

Do we believe the Father hears us? 

Do we ourselves need an awakening like Kanye referred to? 

Are we dead men walking or are we connecting with God where the source of all life is found? 

I believe we all whether we know God or not have a choice to make in this nation right now. 

Will we agree with the prayers of Jesus for America or shout at the TV and each other in anger?

Will you join us in prayer for just 5 minutes a week for your nation - Mondays at 5:55 pm? 

Will you TAKE the PLEDGE with us? Can we help you pray? 

Can we believe for a GREAT AWAKENING together?

I want to agree with Kanye that - THIS IS THE AWAKENING! 

Here. Now. In 2020. 

When the nation looks like it is in chaos. 

What better time? 


The Church Has Power (and we don’t even know it!)