Hopeless about the state of America?

The CHURCH is the answer.

I am 100% behind what Bunni Pounds is doing. Christians Engaged is an organization that calls for the very thing that Jesus left us on this earth to be - ENGAGED - in what matters to God and what should matter to our families.
— James Robison, Host of Life Today


Impact America!

“Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep…” Romans 13:11

Christians Engaged exists to awaken, motivate, educate, and empower ordinary believers in Jesus Christ to:

  • PRAY for our nation and elected officials regularly

  • VOTE in every election to impact our culture

  • ENGAGE our hearts in some form of civic education and involvement for the well-being of our nation

Christians Engaged is a 501(c) non-partisan, Christian ministry working with believers and local churches across denominations and backgrounds. We operate with a doctrinal statement and a code of conduct for our full team. Consider us your civic engagement ministry to serve your family and your local church. 


STEP #1: Take the Pledge

Mobilizing the Body of Christ one heart at a time…

We have built the only 501(c)3 voter mobilization system for all 50 states - discipling and reminding Christians about every election in the nation. We want to help you build habits of prayer, voting, and civic engagement. When you Take the Pledge, you are committing to pray for 5 minutes each week for our nation, to vote in every election, and to engage your heart in some form of civic education or involvement. We will make sure you never forget an election again.

STEP #2: Begin Your On-Ramp to Civic Engagement

Our signature course will empower you to get moving to impact your community, state and nation. Taught by trusted government and ministry leaders including Bunni Pounds, Congressman Michael Cloud, First Liberty Institute, Time to Revive, and more—this in-depth on-demand video course covers important topics such as advocacy, political parties, choosing between imperfect candidates, protecting liberty, and how to share the Gospel and demonstrate Christian virtue while engaging with politics. 

STEP #3: Go Deeper in Civics & Biblical Worldview

Biblical illiteracy is rampant in our nation. To vote and engage biblically, we need to be the leaders that God has called us to be. We offer our on-demand video courses and Conversations with Christians Engaged weekly show to educate you, your family, and your local church. 

Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged Founder & President

"Political activity will not save America. Only the Gospel will save America. We believe that to our core - so every event that Christians Engaged hosts—we tell the beautiful story of Jesus and push people to know God and walk with Him intimately. Jesus is our only hope for America!"

Coming Soon: Bunni’s Powerful Story & the Birth of Christians Engaged


The Christian life isn’t about doing things the easy way—it’s about living as Christ even in a hostile environment.


Governor Scott Walker, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Hon. Mark Meadows, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Hon. Jeb Hensarling, TX Rep. Matt Schaefer, Kelly Shackelford, David Barton, Dave Kubal, Penny Nance, Corey Russell, Hon. Matt Krause, Pastor Michael Miller, Rev. Rafael Cruz, Kyle Lance Martin, Elizabeth Johnston, Dr. Gary Cook, Hon. Scott Turner, Kevin Freeman, Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, Kerby Anderson, Stuart Greaves, Dr. Michael L. Brown, June Hunt, J. Lee Grady, Doug Stringer, Rep. Michael Cloud, Rick Green, Rep. Chip Roy, TX Sen. Bryan Hughes, and Dr. Dennis Lindsay.


Do you want to learn how to make a greater impact within your sphere of influence while also being rejuvenated and inspired?


2023 Headliners include, Hon. Michelle Bachmann, Hon. Michael Cloud, Billy Hallowell, Kelly Shackelford, Hon. Bryan Hughes, Bunni Pounds, Kyle Lance Martin, Hon. Stephanie Borowicz, and more!


Elizabeth Johnston delivering a powerful word our 2022 Wake UP! Conference.

Bunni Pounds moderating a panel of young influencers at our 2022 Wake UP! Conference.

The Christians Engaged Wake UP! Conference—where prayer, worship, education, and inspiration converge.

Dr. Robert Jeffress at our 2022 Wake UP! Conference.


Voting Resources for Your State

As part of our ongoing nationwide expansion, we are now offering free, state-focused voting reminders and voting resources to Christians across all 50 states. Check out our new dedicated webpages for each state, where you will find election information, voting roadmaps, and more!

Are You Seeing Justice being Implemented in America?

Support Our Mission!

Help us to educate people on the power of prayer, voting, and engagement for the well-being of our nation. The Word of God is alive to change hearts and minds. We are funded by individuals just like you, and together we will engage Christians across America.

Looking for our address to send a check?

Christians Engaged, P.O. Box 472655, Garland, TX 75047