The State of Evangelism in Modern America, Part Part 2 of 2
This is the second of two articles with two evangelists insights, and I challenge you to read their words and pray about how God might have you respond to Him.
The State of Evangelism in Modern America, Part 1 of 2
Evangelism is a key tenet of the Christian faith, but how many of us really share our faith on a regular basis?
Will We Malign God’s Beloved or Will We Love Her? (A Message to the Church Concerning Israel)
Will We Malign God’s Beloved or Will We Love Her? (A Message to the Church Concerning Israel)
This message is to all the Christians who seek truth, who do not want to be led astray by “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1), and who call themselves bold and courageous. This is our moment of decision on one of the most important issues of our generation. What will we do with Israel?
The Holy Spirit’s Work: It Touches Even Our Sex Lives
The Holy Spirit’s Work: It Touches Even Our Sex Lives
The apostle Paul gave the Church of Thessalonica an exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 4 that I believe strongly is a warning to us today in the modern American church.
The Miracle of Our New Speaker — Congressman Mike Johnson
The Miracle of Our New Speaker — Congressman Mike Johnson
After 22 days of the American public wondering if the House Republicans would ever come together, they finally became unified around a humble Christian man.
Christian Organization Offers Bible’s Answers for America’s ‘Suffering Poor’
Christian Organization Offers Bible’s Answers for America’s ‘Suffering Poor’
These Boys, These Men
On June 6, 1984, standing on the cliffs on the northern shore of France where American soldiers had stormed ashore four decades earlier “to set free a suffering humanity”, President Ronald Reagan had come to salute those who survived.
He was joined by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, King Olav V of Norway, King Baudouin I of Belgium, Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada.
Yielding to God in Prayer Will Change Your World
There are limitless expressions of prayer offered by way of thousands of belief systems. However, as sincere Christians, praying effectively means that we seek to use patterns, principles and examples given to us through God’s Word. The Bible guides us to petition God by coming into agreement with His Word—we want to pray His way. Praying His way means finding out what He says about prayer and then submitting to Him and His ways when we pray.
Pray in Boldness - Declaring His Will Through Prayer
As God’s image bearer, Adam was given the mandate to execute God’s will upon the earth, to subdue and to have dominion over it. Through this delegated dominion, Adam’s objective was to fulfill God’s purposes on earth. That exercise of power was accomplished through close fellowship, communication and submission to God.
Your Christian Roadmap to the 2023 Virginia Elections
How should Christians go about voting in the General Election in Virginia?
2023 TX Constitutional Amendment Election Christian Voter Guide
The Christians Engaged guide to each Proposition listed on the 2023 Texas Constitutional Amendment Election.
His Light Shines Through Your Tapestry (Prayer)
I challenge you to see your life in Christ as a beautiful and precious tapestry. Envision Jesus interwoven into the fabric from corner to corner. As you move through each day, your daily encounters and responsibilities require His love and His compassion. When He is included this way, God is glorified and you experience the abundant Life that Jesus came to give you.
‘Only the Gospel Will Save America’ Say Organizers of DFW Faith and Politics Gathering
Politics and religion will come together in Dallas this fall at a one-of-a-kind gathering of government and religious leaders, just as the 2024 U.S. presidential election season heats up. Hundreds of people are expected to participate in the two- day event.
Christians Engaged Hosts 2023 Wake UP! Conference Nov. 3-4
Come hear some of the top Christian government and ministry voices in America as they inspire and educate us on prayer, voting and engagement for the wellbeing of our nation. This national conference is designed just for you — the awakening church.
Living In Difficult Times
No doubt you have noticed that these are difficult times. Lawlessness and outright foolishness seem to be in abundance. Although living in the “land of the free”, more and more citizens feel the clammy grip of tyranny from all levels of government. In this article I am not going to get into the tantalizing nuances of prophecy, nor take a stand on the timing of the Rapture. I am going to look at what Jesus told His Church and make some suggestions about how the faithful can live in difficult and perilous times, glorifying God, while awaiting His return.
Andy and the 20 Dollar Bill
No matter the opposition. No matter public opinion. No matter the cost. As they were brave, so must you and I be brave. As they pressed on, so must we, in the ongoing struggle between good and evil.
Biblical Conduct - Part 16 Application for America (Part 2)
Part 16 - Application for America (Part 2)
Jesus instructed his followers to be salt and light because a silent Church and silent Christians spell disaster for any culture. If the salt and light are removed, despair, darkness, and death will reign in the real world today, just as they did in the fictional Tom Sawyer cave of the 1840s.
Biblical Conduct - Part 15 Application for America (Part 1)
Part 15 - Application for America (Part 1)
As Solzhenitsyn so poignantly reminds us, we must know the truth and how to defeat the lies of Socialism and Communism, as well as their modern repackaged variants: Critical Theory, Political Correctness, and Progressivism, or millions more will suffer. The wonderful news is that the Biblical Worldview supports true justice, equality, and freedom. The Biblical Worldview stands for human rights and dignity of all! Socialism is the counterfeit. The Biblical Worldview is the real thing, the loving position that provides and protects according to God’s immutable truth.