Inspirational Bunni Pounds Inspirational Bunni Pounds

What I Have Learned From James Robison

A Thank You letter to James Robison.

For those who do not know, James is the founder of The Stream, and Life Outreach International helps underwrite this important work of education and empowerment for the Body of Christ in this important moment in our nation’s history.

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

Amen to That

Chris Bires, 41, was on his way to work. He walked this street in downtown Chicago every day, Monday thru Friday. It was routinely uneventful. Until that day.

When Chris spotted a man playing his saxophone on the street and the empty can next to him, he decided he’d do a good deed. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out all his coins and emptied them into the can. The bearded young saxophonist smiled at the clean-shaven executive and thanked him. When he got to work, Chris discovered that he was missing his wedding ring.

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

Case Closed

Mr. Eggers was 68 years old. He had been employed as a customer service representative with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage in Des Moines, Iowa for years. He did his job well. He was also a law-abiding man. So, one can only imagine his shock. Eggers was summarily fired. His offense? Back in 1963, when he was nineteen, Eggers had inserted a fake dime into a laundry machine.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Biblical Conduct - Part 13 Salt & Light

Like Moses, Joshua, David, and other heroes of the faith, we have been called to know God and to make Him known. Is your light shining before others? Or are you bowing to the pressures of culture and putting your lamp under a bushel? Are you exposing the darkness and evil that is around you? Is your life helping to preserve your neighbors from the death and decay of false ideologies and harmful actions?

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

The Golden Rule

Lorie Smith didn’t intend to be notable. She didn’t seek the limelight. Nor did she welcome controversy. She’s not a lawyer, a judge, or a politician. Lorie is an artist. She designs wedding websites.

Lorie’s the latest contestant in the ongoing struggle over the meaning, protections, and limits of the First Amendment. That’s right, she refused to design a wedding website for a gay couple.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Biblical Worldview - Part 2 - Is there a God? If so, What is He Like?

Biblical Worldview - Part 2 - Is there a God? If so, What is He Like?

A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This is because the question, “Is there a God?” is the most foundational concept humans address in their existence. All other decisions and ideas flow from the answer to this question.

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman


The absence of a father creates an aching void in the heart and life of a child that no government program can fill. In point of fact, it’s been well-documented over the years that many such programs, well-intended, have actually contributed to the pathologies and destructiveness that have hurt families.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Biblical Conduct - Part 10 Love In Action

From that time up to today Marxism has been responsible for the worldwide murder of over 85 million people, the oppression and torture of millions, and the proliferation of extreme poverty for all except those who join the evil ruling system. What is the loving thing for believers to do when confronted with a philosophy that endangers the lives of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people?

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