Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor

Adventure Awaits

At 78 with 50 years of ministry and almost 60 years of marriage, I could reminisce about the past seasons of my life and talk about retirement, but scripture exhorts us to “forget the past and reach forward to those things which are ahead; pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 3:13-14)

I am anticipating with great joy the adventure that awaits me in this next season of my life, because I am daring to go farther with God rather than just take retirement.

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Education, Devotional, Engagement Ben Quine Education, Devotional, Engagement Ben Quine

Application for America - Part 1 (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 15)

The charges of racism levied against the United States of America as a whole are very grave. We have experienced and chronicled countless tales of racially-charged police brutality, mass incarceration, and the tragic murder of young Blacks, particularly men.

Ethnic minorities endure continual unwarranted suspicion, false accusations, and unprovoked assaults. Slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, purposeful disenfranchisement, lynching, and redlining have brought incalculable pain.

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Devotional, Education, Prayer Jack Wyman Devotional, Education, Prayer Jack Wyman

The Price

America was not handed freedom as a gift. Liberty was not bartered at a treaty table. This country was not bequeathed independence by a benevolent tyrant. America fought for freedom.

Our nation was born in the crucible of war. Independence was declared and liberty secured because courageous men and women chose to risk a “leap in the dark” over the inevitable dismal prospect of subjugation.

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Education, Engagement, Devotional Scott Jones Education, Engagement, Devotional Scott Jones

Help Wanted: A Job for Everyone

In his book, Rules of Engagement, Chad Hennings relates a story about how he and his fellow A-10 pilots coped with an inflight emergency.

During the Gulf War, Hennings and his wingmen were a flight of four A-10’s traveling from Bentwater/Woodbridge in the U.K. to Incirlik, Turkey. Over the Mediterranean Sea, Hennings’ A-10 began to lose oil pressure, forcing him to shut down one engine…

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

Personal Response: Evaluate! (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 14)

It is not enough to hear the Word – we must do what it says. Over the past 13 articles, we’ve looked closely at what the Bible teaches about Racism, and we’ve applied it to our personal lives. But there is another step: Evaluate.

Now that you know what God’s Word says, look closely at the ideas that are being presented in the culture around you and compare them with the Word of God.

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Devotional, Education Carol Sewell Devotional, Education Carol Sewell

Why Christian Citizenship - Why Vote

In the Old Testament, Moses instructed the Israelites to teach their children the scriptures and pass their faith in God and His greatness to each generation. This was a command that they did not always obey. Consequently, they were at war with their enemies, oppressed, continually drawn away to worship idols, and finally carried off to Babylon. Likewise, we have not been faithful in passing on our Christian heritage to our progeny. Consequently, there has been a lack of knowledge of the true foundation on which this nation was birthed.

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

Personal Response: Obey! (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 13)

You are about to leave to go to an important meeting or date – quick! – check the mirror! Is everything in place, everything ready, everything in tip-top-shape? How crazy would it be to look in the mirror, see that something needs to be adjusted, but then walk away and do nothing? You’re probably thinking you’d never do that, but this is the same picture the apostle James uses about people who only hear God’s Word without doing what it says…

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Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Bunni Pounds

Thanksgiving and Praise – The Key to God’s Presence

There is nothing that fills us up or fulfills us more than God’s presence.

There is nothing that gets us into the presence of God faster than thanksgiving and praise.

There is not a greater lost art in the Body of Christ than breaking out of selfishness into thankfulness and praise toward God.

Entering his presence with thanksgiving opens the gates of our hearts. When we are with Him, we are complete, whole, and free.

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Engagement, Devotional Andrew Tome Engagement, Devotional Andrew Tome

Opportunity - Influence the Course of our Nation

If you’re a follower of Jesus, be encouraged. It’s NOT extreme to hold Christian values or to stand for life and traditional family values. In fact, the opposite of those things is pretty extreme, yet they are being touted as normal by the media and in our schools, etc.

We have an opportunity to do 3 things that can influence the course of our nation and our communities – Be a light, make a difference, and lead the way!

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

Modern Social Justice (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 7)

Are the messages you hear around you teaching that God gave government the responsibility to enact justice by punishing those who do wrong and commending those who do right? Are they teaching that justice requires every person be treated equally (not that there must be equal outcomes) and that those who commit offenses must personally make them right, and this payment then brings an end to the matter? Are they teaching that government should apply the principles of equality and equal restitution to all areas of law? Are they promoting Biblical values in ways that are consistent with Scripture? Are they teaching the need for Jesus to heal the hurts caused by sins of injustice, and that only Jesus can give us the love required for forgiveness and virtue?

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

What is the Purpose of Government? (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 5)

There is so much confusion and disagreement about the role of government! It’s little wonder, considering the many different types of government (monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, republic, etc.), and the many different political parties (Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, Communist, etc.). How are we to know what viewpoint is correct? Why do we even have a government, anyway? What is its purpose?

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Just Like Her

It was a trail of tears. Too bitter and heartbreaking for words.

Three women—one older, two younger—united by the deaths of their husbands, were traveling to a new home, and a new beginning.

It hadn’t been easy, nor would it be easy now.

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

The Just Judge (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 3)

Imagine you are standing in court before the judge. The evidence has been presented, and you have been found guilty of committing a great crime. Your sentence is certainly coming, and it will be terrible: you will be faced with a fine so large you will never be able to pay it off, even if you work for the rest of your life. It will mean isolation, suffering, and death.

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

I Kings 21 - Time for a Hero (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 2)

Do you have a favorite movie or TV show from your childhood? Mine was The Lone Ranger. It was incredible how he could sense someone’s need for help, out-shoot, out-think, out-ride, and out-fight everyone, restore order, put the bad guys behind bars, and wrap up every detail in just 30 minutes, while still managing to sneak away in the last scene, so the people he had helped would be left saying “I never even got to thank him!” and “Who was that masked man?” To me as a nine-year-old, that formula never got old!

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

I Kings 21 - Justice and the Vineyard (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 1)

It can be difficult to define “justice” when put on the spot. Many of the greatest philosophers of the Western tradition, from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the doctoral professors of the 21st Century have struggled with the question, “what is justice?” But amazingly, even when we can’t define it, we all somehow know that justice is important.

In this series of articles, we will dig deeply into Scripture to see what God’s Word says about justice, and how we can to apply it to our lives and to our culture. The Bible’s teaching may surprise or upset you, but remember that we are seeking wisdom from God — looking to discover what the whole of His Word truly says, not just what we would like it to say.

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