Better Than Anyone
“Hi Mister! I’d like to see your puppies.” The young boy smiled broadly. The farmer led the boy to a pen where a litter of puppies scampered eagerly about their mother. The farmer was selling them and the boy had been saving his money.
The farmer watched as the lad carefully scrutinized the black and white pups. After a few moments, the boy pointed to a quiet puppy sitting alone in the back of the pen. He called him and the little dog gingerly limped toward the boy, wagging its tail. “I’d like that one,” the boy said.
Psalm 58 – He is God Who Judges
In the modern church very rarely - if ever - do we hear a message on God – the Judge. But the truth is this – “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment….” - Hebrew 9:27.
Judgment Day is coming, and everyone will have to stand before the Judgment Seat of God.
Proper Biblical Categories (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 4)
God did not create multiple races, He created one human race. The idea that there are multiple races is entirely false and unbiblical. The Bible never groups people by skin color or other physical characteristics. The Bible never describes or defines a race or races. In God’s Word all people are part of one family, and we are all equal biologically. There are no superior colors and no superior blood lines.
But there are legitimate categories utilized by Scripture to classify and group people.
One Human Family (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 3)
Even though the word “racism” never appears in the Bible, God’s Word takes an incontrovertible stand against this sin. It is not mentioned specifically because it is actually a subset of other sins which are directly and strongly opposed: favoritism, partiality, and injustice.
Living Water (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 2 John 4)
Jesus came to bring healing in the midst of extreme social division and hurt. He was acutely aware of the fact that, while he was physically thirsty and in danger of death, this woman was desperately thirsty spiritually, and in danger of spiritual death. And Christ knew that he himself was the only possible solution to her problem.
Psalm 57 – Awaken the Dawn
Being a Christian separates us from the rest of the world in a GOOD way – we have a refuge. We have hope and life because we know where to run and how to protect our souls. This is a constant training for us because we are always going through shaking in this world.
None in Heaven
The gentle breeze whispered through the tall trees and played with the setting sun. The peace was palpable.
This was a beautiful place. Its serenity lingered with its sacredness.
I’ve always loved visiting cemeteries. Where do you find such a rich and diverse history gathered in a single plot of earth?
Christ’s Response to Human Divisions (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 1 John 4)
The charges of racism levied against the United States of America are deadly serious. Many are wounded physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as a result of the division and injustice that come from this sin. In light of this, the most important questions we can ask are, “What does the Bible say about racism? What is God’s prescription for healing, peace, and reconciliation in our culture?” Let’s start by reading John chapter 4.
Psalm 56 – All Day – In God
Have you been in a situation where your enemies are hounding you ALL day long? When you feel like you never get a break from their pursuit – how does that wear you out? Whether these are physical enemies like people on your job, neighbors who don’t like you, opponents on a campaign, people on social media who constantly attack your beliefs, whatever that looks like for you in this moment – it can feel constant.
JOSEPH – A Leader in a Foreign Land
Who is your favorite Bible character?
For me – it’s Joseph.
I asked myself why I like his story so much, and I guess it’s because he was the original comeback kid. Joseph never seemed to let all the bad things that he went through get him down.
Joseph realized that God was with him even in the difficult times – even in a foreign land.
Psalm 55 – God Will Never Permit the Righteous to be Moved
How many of us during these difficult days are having to fight off restlessness? We are hearing the voice of the enemy louder and seeing the oppression coming from the “wicked” – those who are in rebellion against God. It feels like it is never ending. It is difficult. It is not easy. David felt that restlessness and oppression and voiced it in Psalm 55.
Not For A Moment
God’s presence is more than desirable - it is indispensable to the child of God. With God, his people may go to the uttermost parts of the world. Without him, we dare not venture across the street.
Psalm 53 – The Fool versus the Wise
The way God sees things is SO different than the ways we process truth. We overcomplicate, over think, and justify our weaknesses, but God sees it simply like this – are you foolish or wise? He asks in this passage of scripture – is “there any who understand, who seek God”?
Yes You Can!
This was going to take courage. It was going to take conviction. It was going to take perseverance. The struggle for liberty and justice has never been for the timid.
Psalm 52 – Desiring Justice and Mercy at the Same Time
The story from 1 Samuel 21 and 22 where David goes into the tabernacle in Nob, talks to the priest Abimelech, takes some holy bread from him and Goliath’s sword as well, has always been fascinating to me.
What’s the Report? Fear or Hope
Listen to this: If they can create a problem that makes you fear, then they can immediately turn around and sell you a hope-filled solution. It is a key to marketing, and we see this play out everywhere in our world today.
In conversation with a colleague recently I learned this valuable lesson about FEAR.
He Reigns!
With a yearning heart of love, like the hound of heaven, he pursued us down the corridors of time. There was nowhere we could go where he would not find us. God’s love is unstoppable, his grace is unfathomable, and his will is unconquerable.
Psalm 51 – Truth in the Inward Parts
Have you ever been in that place where the charade was over, and everyone knew your sins and failures?
That is where David was. Even though he was the King – he knew he had done wrong; but it hit him even deeper than just being exposed on the outside - it hit him deeply inside of his soul.
The Songs: The Timelessness of Christmas Carols
They are the timeless words and melodies that transcend the shifting tastes and styles of sacred music. They alone are the songs we go door to door singing at this time of year. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century.
Christmas carols.
The same words. The same music. “Contemporary worship” is powerless to stop them. Smoke, loud noise, darkness and blinking fluorescent lights cannot drown them out. Or update them or modernize them.
Christmas Icon
It was improbable. The plot itself was bizarre. Was it creative or hair-brained? Intriguing or misleading? Realistic or fatalistic? Hopeful or desperate? The critics panned it. They said it was too dark. Especially for Christmas.
This year is its 75th anniversary.
It is the story of a good and decent man who was always helping others - deferring his own dreams - until the day he needed help. Not knowing where to turn, in desperation, on Christmas Eve, he attempted suicide for the life insurance.