Christians Engaged

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We Won! IRS reverses decision! We are Tax Exempt!

Friends and Supporters -

We won!!! Wow! HUGE NEWS!

The IRS just reversed their decision and granted us our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. This decision affects every donation that has been given to this organization since July 2019 when we incorporated with the state of Texas. You can now write them off as charitable contributions.

Our full press release with First Liberty is below but first I want to say a few words on behalf of Christians Engaged and our leadership.

We are incredibly thankful to the IRS for doing the right thing, and we look forward to continuing our mission of educating more followers of Jesus to pray for our nation and to be civically engaged. When we stand up, our republic works for all Americans!

Thank you to every person who PRAYED, wrote letters to the IRS, signed our petitions, shared our story with news outlets or friends, and supporters who trusted us through this "crisis" by helping us pivot and reorganize for more impact in Texas and around the nation.

I want to personally thank Congressman Michael and Rosel Cloud for serving on our advisory board. Every national news story mentioned Congressman Cloud's name and the Cloud family's participation and partnership in this ministry means the world to me.

Also Congressman Chip Roy, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Ted Cruz and others who wrote the letter to the IRS Commissioner concerning this case. Thank YOU!

To Congressman Kevin Brady and Congressman Jim Jordan who contacted the Treasury Department - thank you!

We could NOT have appealed this decision without the help of First Liberty Institute, our incredible legal counsel Lea Patterson, and their amazing media team. They even had a team member who prayed for me on a daily basis and prayed over us before every media appearance. First Liberty is the real deal!

Big thank you to our Vice President Trayce Bradford, our board of directors and advisory board for Christians Engaged that said "Let's stand up and fight this!" Thank you all.

Together we, as believers in Jesus, have won today. This is a victory not only for Christians Engaged but for every Christian organization around America that teaches the Bible and cares about the future of our great nation.

I am so so thankful for all of you! Onward.

(By the way - your donations are now tax deductible! Let's expand our efforts.)

For the Kingdom and Liberty -

Bunni Pounds

President of Christians Engaged

News Release

For Immediate Release: 7.7.21

Contact: Lacey McNiel,

Direct: 972-941-4453

After Backlash, IRS Grants Religious Group Tax Exempt Status

First Liberty Institute represented Christians Engaged in its appeal after nonprofit status was denied for group’s teaching of Biblical values

Washington, DC—Today, First Liberty Institute announced that the IRS has granted tax exempt status to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit organization that educates and empowers Christians to pray for our nation and elected officials, vote, and be civically engaged. The reversal comes after a national backlash against the IRS’s initial rejection of Christians Engaged’s nonprofit status because, the IRS claimed, “[B]ible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates.”

“This is truly great news for our client, as well as religious organizations and churches across America,” said Lea Patterson, Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “We are grateful the IRS changed course to bring its decision into line with the Constitution and its own regulations.”

Christians Engaged President Bunni Pounds said, “I am incredibly thankful to the IRS for doing the right thing, and we look forward to continuing our mission of educating more followers of Jesus to pray for our nation and to be civically engaged. When we stand up, our republic works for all Americans.”

Christians Engaged incorporated in July 2019 as a Texas nonprofit corporation “formed exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or scientific purposes.” From its religious perspective, Christians Engaged provides nonpartisan religious and civic education, focusing on encouraging and educating Christians to be civically engaged as a part of their religious practice. Christians Engaged applied for tax exempt status in late 2019. On May 18, 2021, IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen A. Martin denied the application, contending that Christians Engaged “engage[s] in prohibited political campaign intervention” and “operate[s] for a substantial non-exempt private purpose and for the private interests of the [Republican] party.” After the appeal, Director Martin granted the application for 501(c)(3) status.

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About First Liberty Institute

First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious freedom for all Americans.

To arrange an interview, contact Lacey McNiel at or by calling 972-941-4453.

Thank you again for ALL playing a part in this VICTORY!

The Body of Christ Together has WON - for the glory of His name!