Education, Engagement Abby Sexton Education, Engagement Abby Sexton

1630 - Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders

Christian young adults across the country see what’s happening today in our nation and feel many things - apathy, anxiety, fear. Many more see where our culture is heading and have a desire to make an impact, but don’t know where to start. Our nation is increasingly deviating from Biblical values and social conservative views are seen as “outdated.” What is our purpose in life? Are young people called to make a difference? How do we make an impact in our nation?

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Biblical Worldview - Part 14 - The Pale Blue Dot

The “Pale Blue Dot.” Have you seen the picture? A truly beautiful photograph… It’s amazing to realize how tiny the earth is in comparison with the vastness of our solar system — not to mention the universe! To Dr. Carl Sagan this photograph revealed that humanity, the earth, and life itself are all insignificant given the scale of the cosmos. We’re just a tiny blip on the canvas of nature. So he suggested we find meaning and purpose by exploring space, searching for extraterrestrial lifeforms, and colonizing remote planets. Of course this begs the question: how can space exploration (a hopelessly too large task) give meaning?

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