Education, Engagement Abby Sexton Education, Engagement Abby Sexton

1630 - Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders

Christian young adults across the country see what’s happening today in our nation and feel many things - apathy, anxiety, fear. Many more see where our culture is heading and have a desire to make an impact, but don’t know where to start. Our nation is increasingly deviating from Biblical values and social conservative views are seen as “outdated.” What is our purpose in life? Are young people called to make a difference? How do we make an impact in our nation?

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Better Than Anyone

“Hi Mister! I’d like to see your puppies.” The young boy smiled broadly. The farmer led the boy to a pen where a litter of puppies scampered eagerly about their mother. The farmer was selling them and the boy had been saving his money.

The farmer watched as the lad carefully scrutinized the black and white pups. After a few moments, the boy pointed to a quiet puppy sitting alone in the back of the pen. He called him and the little dog gingerly limped toward the boy, wagging its tail. “I’d like that one,” the boy said.

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Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor

Your Identity as a Christian Living During a Worldwide Identity Crisis

As this latest racial crisis has hit our nation many are asking and some are demanding certain things from the church. Certainly it is nice to see that many still understand and recognize that the church has influence and is an agent of peace and hope in turmoil. But what they do not understand is…

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