John 17 - The Glory of Believing (#2)
It is a miracle that we believe. It is a miracle that the disciples or the “men whom You have given Me out the world” that Jesus is praying for in John 17, believed that Jesus was sent from the Father and they received His words.
The Spiritual Battle
He (Jesus) made the things we can see and the things we can't see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16 NLT
Many years ago, God helped me understand, and better comprehend, the unseen world that exists around us. He graciously gave me the privilege to see the workings of the spiritual world through a vision.
Psalm 76- God Still Reigns
Psalm 76 begins with declarations of honor to the name of the Lord. In this Psalm, God’s name is lifted high. His mighty acts, on behalf of His people and righteous nations that honor Him, are extolled.
Psalm 24 – His Glory Redeems the Earth
Psalm 24 proclaims the majesty and grandeur of God, but at the same time describes Him and His attributes in specific ways that we can relate to. Let’s start with the first section of this beautiful Psalm and I will show you what I mean…