Lift Up a Standard
Jesus Christ Himself became the intercessor who would lift up a standard for the purpose of redemption. When there was no justice, Jesus was justice. When there was no one righteous, Jesus was righteousness. When there was no salvation, Jesus was salvation. When there was no intercessor, Jesus became intercession for the people whom He loved.
In the same way, we are called to be intercessors for our nation in our generation. We are the ones to carry the love of God and the presence of God to a hurting world.
Waiting for Taxis
Our Jewish friends are under attack!
If we call ourselves Christ followers, we need to stand up loudly against these movements that are springing up on our college campuses and around the nation.
We need to be aware that Marxist philosophies and anti-Semitic philosophies disguised as new “theologies” are sneaking into our churches.