Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

The Next Generation

Stories…they shape our lives. They inspire, educate, motivate, and illustrate. They clarify and entertain. They enrich and sanctify our memories. Stories stay with us—often for a lifetime.

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

American Dreamer

He was introduced as “the moral leader of our nation.” He spoke at a time when eloquence counted and words mattered. So did morality, conscience, and leadership. These virtues were not yet mocked or dismissed; they were respected and valued. He was just 34 years old.

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

The Only Way Forward

You’ve got to admit it. This guy had moxie. Anyone who takes on God directly—to his face, up close and personal—is either foolish, oblivious, blasphemous—or supremely confident of his position. Or perhaps he’s nuts.

Here was another conversation between friends. Moses talked with God with a greater familiarity than most.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Not in Vain

The sun was setting gently across the broad Pacific. In its breathtaking beauty and confident serenity, it was a majestic and powerful sight.

It was, perhaps, this peaceful sunset, together with the relentless violence and destructive contagion of war, that led the great man to take pen in hand on this evening. Just harrowing days earlier, he and his family were crossing turbulent and dangerous waters in a small PT boat, surrounded by the enemy. He had found solace and protection on this island nation.

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Engagement, Devotional Guest Contributor Engagement, Devotional Guest Contributor

JOSEPH – A Leader in a Foreign Land

Who is your favorite Bible character? 

For me – it’s Joseph.

I asked myself why I like his story so much, and I guess it’s because he was the original comeback kid.  Joseph never seemed to let all the bad things that he went through get him down. 

Joseph realized that God was with him even in the difficult times – even in a foreign land.

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Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Without a Doubt

We’re accustomed to politicians who see all sides, talk all sides, take all sides.

Personal ambition too often rises above principle. Fear weakens conviction. Indecision clouds courage. Apathy steals confidence. Deception covers surrender and confusion prevents judgment.

If we’re not careful, this can happen - to you and me.

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