Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Jack Wyman Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Jack Wyman

They Matter

The tongue is like a tiny spark, James said, that sets a forest on fire. “It is a world of wickedness. . . it can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. . . It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3: 5-8).

You and I must be careful what we say. And how we say it. The mouth that praises God on Sunday must not be the mouth that curses candidates on Monday…

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Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Prayer, Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Without a Doubt

We’re accustomed to politicians who see all sides, talk all sides, take all sides.

Personal ambition too often rises above principle. Fear weakens conviction. Indecision clouds courage. Apathy steals confidence. Deception covers surrender and confusion prevents judgment.

If we’re not careful, this can happen - to you and me.

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