Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Scott Jones Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Scott Jones

A Call for Men to Go on Mission

Men need a mission. Men’s ministries that involve only sharing feelings and didactic teaching, will not hold men’s interest for long. Men are wired to DO. They need objectives and goals - a MISSION. How about a call for them to be disciple makers and leaders in their families, in their church bodies, and in their communities and government?

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Devotional, Prayer Scott Jones Devotional, Prayer Scott Jones

Peace In A Fearful World

If God has not given us a spirit of fear, why are so many in Church leadership in the United States fearful? Fearful of government, fearful of the media, fearful of the culture, fearful of public opinion, fearful of losing members – and with them donations.

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Devotional Bunni Pounds Devotional Bunni Pounds

Searching for Treasures in the Body of Christ

Are you stuck in “ordinary church life” participating in a church service-based existence? Does the modern way of doing church leave you wanting something more?

Do you say to yourself, “Where is the love? Where is the community?”

Or maybe you are someone who knows in their heart they are supposed to be interacting more with the Body of Christ, but you don’t have any motivation to really get to know people or serve them the way Jesus talked about?

There is something more.

There are treasures in the body of Christ, but we have to pursue them…and when we find them in each other, we will find the fullness of Christ!

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