Let's Not be a Statistic

By Pastor Marty Reid

Years ago, I read the statistics connecting Christians and voting. I was shocked! 

Only 50% of all Christians are registered to vote, and of the half that are registered to vote only half of those ACTUALLY vote, and of the half that actually vote only half of those actually vote Biblical values. The implications of these statistics are mind-boggling.

I quickly realized that if we could raise those statistics even slightly, we could change our country. 

As a lay person, every opportunity I could, I would ask my Pastor to share and encourage the people in our church to vote. When I became the Pastor, my burden for the church to arise and let her voice be heard became heightened even more. 

At the same time, I began to realize how Biblical illiterate the culture is and how Biblical illiterate even the Church is. My main mission in life as a Pastor is to eliminate Biblical illiteracy from the Church and a huge part of that mission is teaching people what is necessary in their understanding to have a Biblical worldview. When we have a Biblical worldview, we filter everything we experience, learn, and think through that worldview. In fact, whatever our worldview is that is what we use to filter all our thought processes through. 

THIS IS THE FACT: When we become more and more Biblical in our thinking, we gain discernment. As our discernment increases, we see things more and more from God’s point of view instead of the culture’s point of view.

If born again Christians with a Biblical worldview get out and vote and we vote Biblical values - we can change the culture. We can make a difference in every election from now on. This sounds simple, but it is a huge undertaking and mission. 

As one person I can only do so much, but every heart that is changed can make a difference. As God begins to open the eyes of His Body, we will start seeing effective change. I believe God is working through His Body all over the country. He is raising up men and women who are seeing the same things I’ve described already, and they are speaking up in their spheres of influence. Many ministries and groups are rising across the land putting emphasis on the importance of understanding the Bible and then putting feet to our understanding. 

I am so excited about CHRISTIANS ENGAGED because this is exactly the purpose of this gathering place of leaders - to increase understanding in people throughout Texas and for that understanding to work in us - one heart at a time. And by the way, that is exactly how the Kingdom of God grows. One heart at a time! 

In the last few years, I’ve seen more prayer groups started all over the country and many of them are national in their outreach. God is raising up an army! 

Join us and be a part of the army God is raising up to save our country and get us back on track. We are going to see Him move through us – ordinary people of faith - and protect us from the influences that are causing harm to our nation. 

Let’s not be a statistic – one of the Christians who doesn’t vote or vote their values. It is going to take me, and it is going to take YOU to make a difference in this state and in our nation. 

Take the PLEDGE to pray, vote, and engage. 

Let’s change the statistics – one heart at a time.


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