Preparing Our Hearts Ahead of the Inauguration
As we approach the Inauguration - many Americans are looking at this national event through eyes of hurt, disenfranchisement, and fear for our nation’s future. Many are wounded and/or angry because their candidate or party didn’t win.
While none of us know what the future holds, based on the stated policy positions of President-elect Biden, we know that his administration will not be very friendly toward many of the issues that we care about as believers in Jesus (i.e., the sanctity of life, religious liberty, and economic freedom). Add to that the reality that a large swath of our nation, including Christians, believe that the November, 2020 election was stolen through fraudulent mail-in-ballot programs and other means.
How do we, as believers, position our hearts as we approach tomorrow?
How do we approach President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris?
Will we commit to pray for them? Will we let 1 Timothy 2:1-2 still speak into our lives?
Will we believe for safety for all of our elected officials and every person in Washington DC?
“First of all, then, I urge that petitions (specific requests), prayers, intercessions (prayers for others) and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in [positions of] high authority, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
-2 Timothy 2:1-2
As people of the kingdom of God - we are not defined by political parties or candidates. We should work, support, and hope that candidates who support our biblical values get elected—but when they don’t, how do we respond?
Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Dallas, and member of President Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board, delivered a powerful message for our nation, titled “How Should Christians Respond to President Biden?”
In this sermon, Pastor Jeffress addressed some of the above topics and also discussed the sovereignty of God, His unchanging love for us, the promise of Christ’s return, and the continued mission of the church of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jeffress delivers the Word of God with the sword and the balm of love in this timely sermon that we encourage you to watch below.
“How Should Christians Respond to President Biden?” Source
On Inauguration Day, please join Christians Engaged as we pray for our new President, Vice President, and their new administration, “so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged, President
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