From Asleep to Activist

By J. Nicole Williamson

On the morning of January 1, 2012, I woke up with an urgency in my spirit. I knew it had to do with America. People everywhere were becoming concerned with America’s direction but most didn’t seem to know what to do. That included me.

A week later, a friend told me a dream she’d had about evil things coming into this land. She also said that God kept speaking to her about Queen Esther. After some discussion, we felt God leading us write a book titled The Esther Mandate: the War for America’s Destiny.  

We knew God was at work to awaken His Church to rise like Esther for saving a nation set for destruction. The urgency I felt was not just about the state of the nation, but the state of the Church. God’s people have been lulled to sleep and to her divine calling to be watchmen of territory. That book was the beginning of my awakening to action for my nation.

Two years later, I was in Jerusalem and had a unique encounter with the Lord. He was, again, awakening me to His passion for the United States and her critical condition. It was the week of Purim (the Jewish holiday celebrating Queen Esther and the deliverance of the Jewish people) in 2014. It was a beautiful evening as a friend and I sat on a roof top just a block from the Old City. As I breathed in the dynamic scenery, I was suddenly overwhelmed by a deep cry of intercession, but it wasn’t for Israel - it was for America! I thought, Lord, what are You doing? I’m here to pray for Israel, and here You are praying through me for America!

That moment changed my life. When I returned home, I began a monthly Prayer for the Nation gathering in my home and a more consistent intercession for those in government. I began voting in mid-term elections and attending city council meetings when possible. I knew action had to accompany prayer. In February of this year, 2019, I had another encounter from the Lord that resulted in writing my most recent book Breaking the Silence: Taking a Stand for Life, Liberty, and All Things Good. He is making it clear that we must join Him in caring for this land.

The Church has been asleep and silent too long. We have been told to sit down and shut up, and to conform our theology to secular standards. Many have been ill taught about our critical role on earth, including with government. It’s time for the Church to rise and take action. Our Father is calling us to be the light that drives out the darkness – to save a generation from being destroyed by witchcraft and perversion. Earth and heaven are crying out lest the harvest be lost. We simply cannot stand by and do nothing. We are here for such a time as this. May we rise and labor together with Christ in His field called America. It’s time to heal the land.

Will you join me and ask God to awaken Christians around this nation?

Will you take the pledge today with me to pray, vote, and engage?


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