Christmas Truth: Jesus honored as LORD at conception

By Rep. Matt Schaefer

“No priest, no theologian stood at the manger of Bethlehem. And yet all Christian theology has its origin in the wonder of all wonders: that God became human.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Christmas story in sum: God incarnate, Man divine. Jesus was fully God and fully human. An essential truth of the Gospel. The Bible teaches that Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Jesus possessed every essential quality of being human, yet remained fully God.

Gabriel the angel announced that Jesus’ journey as a man would begin at conception in Mary’s womb. Not as a newborn that magically appeared, or a teenager dropped from heaven. Jesus would be so tiny Mary couldn’t even feel him.

Just like any person, Jesus’ human heart started beating about 21 days after conception. And what did people call Him at this very early stage in life? Luke Chapter 1 gives us a timeline with the answer.

Mary was only one month pregnant when she visited with Elizabeth, who was six months pregnant with John the Baptist. Elizabeth referred to Jesus in Mary’s womb as “your child” and “my Lord.” (Luke 1: 43). At one month inside Mary, Jesus was a child honored as Lord!

When did your life begin? When did you have value as a human being created in God’s image? Look to Jesus for the example. God started Jesus’ human experience at conception! He was fully a person, completely man, and alive with a purpose!

Abortion ends a life which began at the same point Jesus’ life began. Abortion stops a beating heart which started beating in the first month. just like Jesus’ heart did. We know this because of Christmas. To destroy God-given life is sin.

But Christmas truth about abortion doesn’t end there. Jesus grew and became a man. He did what we cannot do – He satisfied God’s demand for justice regarding our sin. Jesus’ death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins, and granted us mercy from punishment we deserve.

Our lives began at conception just like Jesus’ did. The purpose of His life was to glorify God and save us from sin. So even a choice to ignore truth and take life inside the womb can be forgiven. Any woman, any man, that calls on Jesus and believes in Him will be saved.

Rejoice! Immanuel has come!

(Rep. Matt Schaefer serves House District 6 , Smith County, in the Texas House of Representatives. He was elected in November 2012 and took office in 2013.)




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