Biblical Worldview - Part 15 - Conclusion: By Their Fruit You Will Know Them

By Ben Quine
****The way we act is shaped by the way we look at the world. Our lives are shaped by our basic assumptions and convictions. These Worldview Articles will explore what a “worldview” is. Each person has a worldview, whether they know it or not, and it determines every decision and choice a person makes. Do you have a Biblical Worldview or are factors other than the Bible informing your choices and decisions. In this series of articles, we will take an in-depth look at 7 Vital Worldview Questions, as the starting place for building a Biblical Worldview. (These articles are adapted from David Quine’s Answers for Difficult Days “Seven Vital Worldview Questions.” David is Ben’s father and the founder of Cornerstone Curriculum a Biblically based Homeschool Curriculum.)

My aunt Agatha dutifully wired the funds for purchasing her new home to the bank account listed on the email. When she arrived at the closing, she was surprised to hear the title agent ask her when she planned to send the funds. “I’ve already sent them.” Upon further investigation, Agatha and the title agent learned that her email account had been hacked, that an unscrupulous person had sent an email with a different bank account number, and that Agatha had wired all of her savings to an overseas account completely unconnected to her home purchase. She had lost everything. Tragically, Agatha believed the false email and fell victim to wire fraud.

Though this exact scenario didn’t exist in the first century, Jesus did teach about a similar topic when he addressed false prophets and false teachers:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:15-20)

False prophets and false worldviews bear diseased, bad fruit. They bear the fruit of death and suffering. But for those who decide to reject God and His Word, there are only a few grim alternatives:

1. Believe in another monotheistic deity or cult

Belief in only one god requires some sort of revelation from that individual deity to mankind. For example, Islam teaches that the divine revelation was given to Muhammad, who wrote it down as scripture in the Koran. According to its teaching, each human will be judged based on their actions, and those who lived worthy lives by practicing the Five Pillars, building the kingdom of Islam, and following Sharia law, will achieve paradise. 

2. Believe in many gods

Eastern Religions tend to focus on an infinite, but impersonal god. According to these worldviews, everything is “an extension of god.” Each person is a god, on a quest to realize their own divinity. Since nothing is either good or bad, feelings of right and wrong represent our misunderstanding of the universe (“Suffering can end if desire is ceased”). And death is simply the soul being rejoined to the cosmos. The only true source of meaning is the search for oneness with the universe. Though there are some notable examples of compassionate leaders from these traditions, the concept of “injustice” is rejected and karma teaches that all “sins” will be “punished” by the universe, so if we alleviate our neighbor’s suffering today they will still have to suffer in their next life.

3. Believe in no god

This basic worldview is called Naturalism (also Secularism, Secular Humanism, or Darwinism), the view that matter in the natural world is the only thing that exists (there is no supernatural). Naturalism holds that life came about as a result of time, chance, and natural processes (Evolution); Humans are simply animals (or complex machines), struggling, as are all other animals, for survival. Racism is intrinsic to Naturalism, since it teaches that all of nature is striving to achieve higher evolutionary states, and that through natural selection the “favored races” will survive and create stronger, more advanced forms of life. But Naturalism still offers no ultimate meaning to life, only what government, science, reason, and our own experiences teach us. In other words, any sense of morality is dictated by those who have evolved to become the “elite” (usually in education and science). This viewpoint inevitably leads to despair, immorality, racism, and oppression.

Those who turn away from the despair of pure Naturalism must seek solace in one of three primary sub-views:

  1. Nihilism. Nihilism acknowledges the futility of searching for truth and meaning in a world without God. Nihilists conclude that since we live in a purely mechanical world, there is no reality, no knowledge, no beauty, and no ethics that can ever be truly known. Consequently, life is pointless and meaningless.

  2. Existentialism. Existentialism holds that since all humans are trapped in a futile world, meaning may be found subjectively. A person may create meaning, value, and truth in life by making a choice. Whatever they choose is good for them, so morality and purpose are to be found inside of each person. Simply do whatever you like.

  3. Marxism. Marxism holds that the elite and the rich in each society are responsible for the sufferings in the world, because they evolved to oppress the weaker populations. Marxists believe that morality is determined by whatever is best for the populace at large (i.e. the socialist state), and that in order to bring justice and equality, the elite and their traditions must be overthrown by revolutions of the lower classes. Because it claims to stand for justice and equality (while also insisting that there is no God), Marxism has had great appeal. But since it takes no account for sin, and has such a disastrous view of morality, when put into practice Marxism has created some of the most violent and oppressive governments in the history of the world.

4. Syncretism

Syncretism is the most common worldview in America today, because it is the most hopeful alternative to the Biblical Worldview. Syncretism says, “you can pick and choose whichever belief systems you like, and mix them together however you want,” in a melting pot of contradictory philosophies. Syncretists hold that you can believe the Bible and also Darwinism; you can be a Christian and also support immorality; you can be an atheist and also believe there’s right and wrong. Just pick whatever feels correct, regardless of truth or consistency. The Syncretist is irrational and cannot hold a meaningful discussion of their worldview, since there is no foundation of principle on which they can draw. A Syncretist might say, “Of course I believe in God; I also believe if we live good lives here, we can go to heaven; karma will come back to bite you; and everyone gets to find the truth that’s right for them.”

Why is our American society so polarized? Because we as a culture have adopted absolutely contradictory and irreconcilable worldviews. The Biblical Worldview and Naturalism (and its sub-views) offer completely different answers to life’s biggest questions, sending their followers in completely different directions. Syncretism, though claiming to bridge the gap, actually aggravates the problem, since there is little meaningful conversation that can be had once irrationality is adopted as the basis for one’s worldview.

When these false worldviews are implemented the people face hopelessness, oppression, economic collapse, genocide, death, and injustice. Hitler embraced Darwinism and Naturalism. Lenin, Stalin, and Mao unapologetically murdered over 80 million of their own people on behalf of their Marxist states. Hindu caste systems have locked millions in injustice and generational poverty. 

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (II Corinthians 10:5)

If we love our families and neighbors we must oppose and destroy these deadly philosophies within our society.

In this series of articles, we have covered the Seven Vital Worldview Questions™ of life. 

1. Is There a God? If so, What is He Like?

2. What is the Origin and Nature of the Universe?

3. What is the Nature of Humanity?

4. What is the Basis of Right and Wrong?

5. What is the Cause of Evil and Suffering?

6. What Happens to a Person after Death?

7. Does Life and History Have Any Real Meaning?

An individual’s answers to these seven philosophy questions will determine or impact every decision they make throughout their entire life. The Bible’s answers to these questions may seem obvious to you, but in our country, keeping a Biblical Worldview in the year 2022 is very rare. Dr. George Barna’s research found that only 6% of Americans base their worldview philosophies on Scripture.

Millions of our friends and family members, like Agatha, are falling prey to false messages that will have devastating consequences. Most of the people around us are following the “way that seems right to a man,” even though “its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12). Most Americans today are more than happy to lean on their own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) and let human wisdom direct their decisions, instead of allowing God’s Word be the lamp to our feet and the light to our path (Psalm 119:105). Like Jesus, we should be moved by compassion for our dear friends and neighbors who are lost, “like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36)

The Biblical Worldview is essential not only for salvation, but also for a sure foundation to living well. It alone teaches us about the living, Creator God. It alone provides us with the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. It alone instructs us on the right way to live, which brings peace and builds up society. As Jesus warned us, there have always been wolves in sheep’s clothing who preach a false gospel, perverting Scripture in order to justify committing atrocities against people, such as those “Christians” who supported the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade (Matthew 7:15-20, II Peter 2:1). But the true Biblical Worldview is responsible for more freedom, more charity, more justice, more prosperity, more scientific advances, more education, and more love for neighbor than any other worldview in history, bar none.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

If a person or culture adopts the Biblical Worldview, submitting their thoughts and will to God, the results will be the Fruit of the Spirit, a virtue and love that is the foundation for a free and just society. This is the answer to our culture’s plight. This is the answer that we need today more than ever!

Ben Quine is Vice President of Christians Engaged and is the Director of Curriculum Development and Strategic Ministry Partnerships.

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