A Special 2023 Year End Note from Bunni

This is what the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson publicly said about Christians Engaged:

“This is one of the key ministries in America working to equip and empower believers to stand for truth and make an impact on public policy and the direction of our country. ‘For such a time as this!’”

I can tell you, Christians Engaged is here for such a time as this.

At the end of 2019, God called me to lay down my successful political consulting firm and launch a ministry to actually change voting patterns in this nation. I believe that the CHURCH and people of faith are the answer for every ill in our nation.

As we prepare for 2024, we know that this is our moment of great impact.

Not only are we the first ministry in America to have built a voter mobilization system that reminds Christians across all 50 states to VOTE in every local, state, and federal election within their state; but we also empower those who take our Pledge to PRAY for our leaders each week and we provide them with education on how to ENGAGE within their communities.

We are also one of only a handful of Christian ministries who, through our on-demand video courses, and our free weekly show, offer practical, biblically-based education covering civic and government engagement, while addressing the hot-button cultural issues of our day from a biblical perspective.

Some 2023 ministry milestones:

There are presently over 200,000 Christians in our voter mobilization system.

Over 2,000 people have taken one of our courses, which cover civics, discipleship, and worldview from a biblical perspective.

This year alone, we have had over 67,500 views or downloads of our weekly show, Conversations with Christians Engaged.

We just had our 3rd national Wake UP! Conference with over 425 people in attendance and many more viewing online.

This past summer, we also saw over 50 people’s lives changed on our first PRAY, VOTE, and ENGAGE trip to Washington, DC, where we had the opportunity to minister to 10 U.S. House Members and 2 U.S. Senators.

In 2024, our top-line ministry goals are to:

Grow toward 1 million Christians in our communication system ahead of the Presidential Election.

Produce two new on-demand video classes on biblical worldview.

Mentor hundreds of 18-30 year-olds through our classes, events, and trips.

Build partnerships with more ministries and local churches.

Will you help us? Please prayerfully consider making a generous year-end gift, which will enable us to enter 2024 with a strong footing, as we continue to empower Christians across America to PRAY, VOTE, and ENGAGE. The stakes in the upcoming elections couldn’t be any higher. Liberty is on the line and the church has to be awakened.

We love you! Merry Christmas.

Bunni Pounds

President of Christians Engaged


A New Christian City Council Member Because of Christians Engaged


The Complete Story of Christmas