Is It Christian Nationalism to Seek the Welfare of Our Nation?
“Christian Nationalism” is a pejorative that secularists (those that do not hold to a Biblical worldview) use to impugn the motives and actions of Christians who engage the culture and the government. Look no further than Wikipedia to find the lengths to which they will go to malign sincere Christians.
Psalm 75- Thanksgiving for the Righteous Judge
Psalm 75 is a song of thanksgiving. The Psalmist gives thanks for deliverance from the troubles of Psalm 74. This is a Psalm of faith because it anticipates a miraculous deliverance in the future. As one reads this Psalm, it seems to anticipate the events of the end times. In this Psalm we see parallels to the prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation.
Psalm 74- The Dark Places of the Earth
That is why even a Psalm that is hard to understand and get our heads wrapped around about sea monsters and the destruction of a temple can speak to us today.
God is the same God who we can plead with, and He will NOT leave us.
Psalm 71 - You Have A Story
Psalm 71 starts off as a cry for help. The author was an older man who went through his own set of challenges, like we all do, and he cried out to the Lord.
We can relate to this aged man, whether it is a personal trial, at work, in our family, or maybe it is a cry for help in our nation. It’s clear - our nation is under judgement, but there are signs of good things that are happening.
Psalm 73 - The Big Picture
When we see things through our fleshly eyes we often can’t see the forest for the trees. We only see what we can see. But when we look through our spiritual eyes with the spiritual truth God has given us in His Word, our eyes are opened and we see things from God’s perspective. God’s perspective is the only one that counts!
Psalm 72 – A Prayer for Justice
Praying for our leaders is something we all should do, and it is incredibly important because if our leaders and government go off track, it becomes more and more difficult to “lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (I Timothy 2:2)
Psalm 70 – Poor and Needy
There are days and weeks when attacks are thick and the pains are deep. I have been going through one of those seasons. There are sufferings that we choose – inconveniencing ourselves for the gospel, to disciple someone, giving up resources till it hurts for the Kingdom – and then there are times where we go through sufferings that we didn’t choose.
Psalm 69 – An Urgent Plea for Help
When life overwhelms you, it’s normal to look for comfort. As Christians, we should search in two places: God’s presence and God’s word. Trials will require you to shift your focus. Instead of looking all around you, or living in fear of your circumstances, you can look to the God who holds you. That begins with recognizing who God is.
Psalm 68 – God Is Our Salvation…Selah
The Psalmist opens with declaration (praise) of God’s might against the enemies of Israel, as easily defeated as wisps of smoke or melting wax, illustrating the commanding power of the God of Israel.
These verses tell us about God, and what he does for His people. See that those who are not believers “shall flee before Him!” implying their terror at the might of God…God is our help, that every day He helps us carry our burdens. His strength, His help for us, is new each day. He is our salvation. Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up, God is our salvation. Selah
Psalm 67 – God Shall Bless Us
When we are blessed by the Lord, as commanded by Him, when we receive His blessing, His word, His promises, when we practice praise and the Lord Himself is our ruler, then the earth shall yield her increase and our own God shall bless us.
2022 WAKE UP! Conference
Christians around America are waking up. We can’t sit on the sidelines any longer.
God is breaking down walls between denominations, races, and generations and uniting us around a mission of prayer and action for the nation that we love.
America needs us, the Body of Christ, to be fully awake and engaged.
Join us at the Wake UP! Conference – September 23 and 24th in Dallas Fort Worth.
Psalm 66 – Declaring the Greatness of His Power
According to Jewish tradition – this Psalm was written as a Passover Psalm with two parts – First to celebrate the huge victory and “bigness” of God delivering the children of Israel out of Egypt and taking them out of the hand of Pharaoh. Secondly to declare the vow and the sacrifices that they would give God after seeing His goodness again.
Psalm 65 – Remember God’s Power and Provision
How are you doing? Please answer honestly. Maybe things are going great, and you’re on top of the world! Or maybe you’re going through hard times and in need of some comfort and divine intervention. Either way, Psalm 65 is for you.
Psalm 64 – A Prayer, A Problem, A Prophecy
Have you ever been surprised by someone who talks about you behind your back, or who plots against you, perhaps while feigning friendship? This type of experience inspired David to write Psalm 64.
History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 4) - Prayer for National Impact
In Daniel 10, Daniel was serving a Persian King. He had made it through the Babylonian kingdom – the trials and tests of the Lion’s Den, the Golden Statue of Nebuchadnezzar and his friends getting thrown into the fiery furnace, and the dreams and interpretations from God surrounded by “the wise men”. He had been tested and tried and had come out of it all with a greater relationship with God and even more authority.
How does prayer impact a nation?
History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 3) - My Story
I never saw it coming. I had been a political consultant for 10 years and the main Member of Congress that I worked for announced his retirement. We couldn’t find a conservative candidate to take his place. So, after weeks of carrying a burden, seeing the need of the district, praying, and asking God to raise someone up, I acted on that burden. I jumped into the Congressional race. I never saw it coming.
History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 2) - What is An Intercessor?
Like a lawyer intercedes for his clients in a court of law, we petition God.
Like an assistant carrying out the orders of her boss and becoming the go-between of him and the other employees, we can ask for God’s will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven.
Intercession is delegation. It is mediation. It is carried authority through representation.
History Belongs to the Intercessors (Part 1) - Our Need for Prayer
Behind the greatest evangelist of the Second Great Awakening — Charles Finney — knelt a man of intercession: Daniel Nash.
Finney, through his passionate appeals for people to come to God, saw hundreds of thousands of conversions happen all over New York and beyond in the early 1800s. Unknown to most, this move of God contained a secret weapon. Nash.
What is Biblical Civil Disobedience? (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 9)
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. (Proverbs 29:2)
God’s Word shows us the best way to live. Believers are supposed to live righteous lives marked by virtue. We are supposed to honor and obey the government. But when the wicked rule, they harm the people by enacting unjust laws and unbiblical policies. So Scripture also authorizes civil disobedience, that is, obeying God’s law when doing so requires disobeying human edicts. But biblical civil disobedience doesn’t mean we can just do whatever we want, and it doesn’t mean we can disobey any law we don’t like. So what should we do when the government becomes unjust? And what should our civil disobedience look like?
“And even if He does not…” (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 8)
Nebuchadnezzar was king of the whole known world. His empire was vast, his word was law, and his temper was infamous. That’s why the actions of the three young Hebrew men were so remarkable. Throughout their service to the king they had shown courtesy and obedience, but now they refused him to his face. Stubbornly, defiantly, they disobeyed his command. What would cause these otherwise respectful men to act this way? Aren’t God-fearing people supposed to obey the government?