Devotional, Inspirational, Prayer Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational, Prayer Jack Wyman

The Only Way

He was powerful. He was famous. He was celebrated. He was a fearless leader of men.

He was sick.

General Naaman was a leper. The dreaded skin disease was serious, painful and fatal. Thousands of years ago, there was no cure for leprosy. We learn of Naaman in the fifth chapter of II Kings, in the Old Testament of the Bible.

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Psalm 62 – Trust in the Lord Alone

Quieting our soul – though extremely hard – in the middle of all the noise in our modern world from entertainment to news sources, to social media, to professional pressures, to family struggles – brings rest and renewal of the truth in our hearts. 

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Devotional, Inspirational, Education Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational, Education Jack Wyman


They were out to have a good time. It was a day trip with family and friends. A chance to create some memories.

Three young people from California—all in their twenties—were hiking in Yosemite National Park. They climbed up the steep and slippery Mist Trail until they reached Vernal Fall. It is one of Yosemite’s most popular and spectacular waterfalls.

It was a crystal clear, beautiful day.

There was a metal guardrail. It had been placed there by park authorities to keep visitors away from the swift-moving water of the Merced River. Just 25 feet from the precipice of the fall, the young people crossed over the guardrail and entered the water.

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Psalm 61- The Heritage of Abiding

There is a cry that leaves our lips that brings salvation; then God becomes our shelter, our tabernacle, and our heritage.

Eternal life is not just eternal life for nothing. It has a purpose. The purpose is found in Psalm 61:8 “So I will sing praise to Your name forever, That I May daily perform my vows.”

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

The Law and Racism (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 8)

What happens to a country if there are bad laws? What about when those individuals tasked with implementing the laws don’t do it fairly? These are issues that God deeply cares about.

God is very careful to instruct His people not to favor the poor or the rich, the powerful or the powerless, and He wants equal justice to be shown to all without favoritism. Biblical justice requires everyone to be treated equally under the law. Racism is inherently unjust because it insists on giving some people special treatment while intentionally holding back or punishing others because of their “race.”

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Psalm 60 – Restore Us Again!

No one can heal us and restore us other than God. Putting our trust in men or women to change or repair their broken states will not work.

We have to completely depend on the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Restorer of our souls – Jesus.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

A Seat at the Table

He was labeled, pitied, dismissed, ignored and ostracized. Crippled was the word—and the stigma. “Disabled” and “challenged” hadn’t been invented. He was a young man with a difficult name and a difficult life.

Mephibosheth. He was royalty—once upon a time.

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

Slavery and the Bible (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 7)

Slavery, like all other vices, has been around since early human history – at least as far back as the Ancient Egyptian Empire, but likely reaching back to Noah and the tower of Babel. Sinful man has always used the mistreatment of his brothers to vault himself into personal power, and oppressive slavery has been used again and again to further that end.

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Psalm 59 - For God is My Defense

God knows that His SON – JESUS – will be set on His holy hill from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and the kings of the earth will bow down to Him.

The secret to not fearing in this time in history is to see God as our defense. He will defend us if we put our trust in Him.

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

The Good News! (The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 6)

The world is a messed-up place. There is pain, separation, brokenness, and death. Our fallen nature causes people to divide each other into groups defined by physical characteristics, and to treat each other horribly based on those groups. People lie, cheat, steal, and murder.

God calls this wickedness sin, and in the previous articles we have seen that, according to the Bible, the sin of racism is the unequal treatment of people because of their skin color, or the devaluing of someone or some group because of physical characteristics.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman


Her eyes. They were beautiful. That’s what I first remember. They were some of the prettiest eyes I’d ever seen.

At my parents’ farm in Pittsfield, Maine, on May 4, 1981, I knew I was really in love for the first time in my life.

That this young woman had come into my life, and loved me too, I regarded as a miracle akin to the parting of the Red Sea.

It was exciting. Feelings I’d never had before this day flooded over my heart as cascading waterfalls.

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

The Bad News(The Bible’s Answer for Racism, Part 5)

Do you believe in things you can’t see?

I hope so, because there is an abundance of real things we experience in the physical world that we cannot see. Take a minute and think of a few of them. What did you come up with? Some examples are the wind, radio waves, and the force of gravity. But there is another part of life, a whole dimension past the physical, that we cannot see or smell or feel, and yet it is the most real part of life. It’s the spiritual realm.

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America: They Don’t Know the Simple Gospel

On Thursday of the outreach – our afternoon team met Tony.

Tony served in the army in Vietnam. He has been searching for truth all of his life in different religions.

He really believed that sin was forever, and the devil controls the world and there is nothing that we can do about it.

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