Christians Engaged

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The Power of Unity

By Scott Bauer

Our nation is in a culture war. The fight is real, and the consequences will impact future generations to be sure.  The time is now for the Body of Christ to rise up and take our place to protect the God-ordained liberties and values this country was founded on.

It is time to join with ONE VOICE as believers in Christ, as Christians in this nation.

Did you know that the only time that the blessing of God is literally COMMANDED in scripture is found in Psalms 133 when “God’s people dwell together in UNITY”?

Read it for yourself.

Did you also know that the last recorded prayer by Jesus before he endured the cross was found in John 17 when He prayed for all of us “to be one, just as he and the Father are one”?

UNITY is a powerful word that is close to God’s heart. When we join together as one, God will bless it.

This is a powerful truth that we need to pray for in the American church and the Body of Christ worldwide. Sadly, if I were to use one word to describe the American church, it definitely would not be UNITY.

But this can change.

This fact has to change.

This is where Christians Engaged comes into play…..we believe that the platform and goal of this organization is a need that must be met! It is a need that the whole Body of Christ can agree and work on together to accomplish.

Believers of all denominations – churches both big and small can rally their congregations to be a bright light to our society by taking the pledge today to PRAY, VOTE, and ENGAGE in the political process.

We need to make sure we and those around us are praying for our nation and its leaders, make sure we are registered to vote and actually vote Biblical values, and encourage those that can to run for those public positions that need good Godly Christian leadership.

From school boards to city councils, from state representatives to federal offices  - we need to come together to help those that stand up for what is right.  Let’s be unified as the Body of Christ! Let’s work together towards this cause.  

We ARE the salt. We ARE the light.

Let us all shine for Jesus in this way and help preserve our nation’s soul.

It is time to come into UNITY around JESUS and our biblical values for the sake of our nation.

The time is now.

Here is a quick first step: Take the Pledge and pray with brothers and sisters all over Texas Mondays at 5:55 pm. It is powerful to think that we can be unified for 5 minutes in prayer even if we are not together. Start here.