Engagement, Inspirational, Education Bunni Pounds Engagement, Inspirational, Education Bunni Pounds

Profile of a Public Servant - Richard Sanders

This month, I lost a dear friend, County Judge of Henderson County, Richard Sanders. He truly was the gentle giant as people described him.

Richard was a football player in high school, real estate developer, regional representative for Congressman Jeb Hensarling for 8 years, and then a two-term County Judge, the top administrator, for the county that he loved.

Throughout his career, Richard embodied the ideal public servant, and was a true example of why good, Christian people are needed to help navigate the muck and mire of local, county, and state government.

My hope in sharing this profile is to not only testify of what this humble man meant to me, but to inspire us all that public service is a worthy profession. We need more men and women of character and courage to step up and serve.

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