Biblical Conduct - Part 15 Application for America (Part 1)
Part 15 - Application for America (Part 1)
As Solzhenitsyn so poignantly reminds us, we must know the truth and how to defeat the lies of Socialism and Communism, as well as their modern repackaged variants: Critical Theory, Political Correctness, and Progressivism, or millions more will suffer. The wonderful news is that the Biblical Worldview supports true justice, equality, and freedom. The Biblical Worldview stands for human rights and dignity of all! Socialism is the counterfeit. The Biblical Worldview is the real thing, the loving position that provides and protects according to God’s immutable truth.
Biblical Conduct - Part 10 Love In Action
From that time up to today Marxism has been responsible for the worldwide murder of over 85 million people, the oppression and torture of millions, and the proliferation of extreme poverty for all except those who join the evil ruling system. What is the loving thing for believers to do when confronted with a philosophy that endangers the lives of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people?
Biblical Conduct - Part 11 What is the Source of Character?
God wants to change us from the inside-out. In God’s design, we would remember His great love for us, drink deeply from His Word, choose to offer our lives to Him every day, and then He Himself will transform our character from the inside-out!
Biblical Conduct - Part 8 Speak the Truth: Correction
What’s something that makes you uncomfortable? Maybe fingernails on a chalkboard? Or the sound of a fork scratching on a plate? As children of God, we are called to “speak the truth in love,” something that is often very uncomfortable for all parties involved. But like taking a distasteful but life-giving medicine, the truth is vital for health.
The little boy stared nervously at his Sunday School teacher. He was trying to remember the verse. He thought for sure he knew it.
“A lie is an abomination to the Lord.” He grinned with satisfaction. “And a very present help in time of trouble.”
We smile at a child’s mangled memory. We smile too because the boy’s rendition is often the case. Lying one’s way out of trouble is a time-honored and quite dishonorable resort for many who are caught doing something wrong.
Biblical Conduct - Part 4 Even When It Is Difficult To Hear
Have you ever been tempted to refashion bad news so that it will land more gently on the ears of those who need to receive it?
Your Vote and Your Voice Make a Huge Difference - Here Are the Numbers
Does one vote even matter?
The significance of just one vote, one voice… is huge.
Why Christian Citizenship - The Ten Commandments
God gave us the Ten Commandments as a standard by which to live. At that time in history, man was doing what was right in his own eyes. Today, most of our laws as well as those of other nations are based on these commandments whether the government leaders admit it or not. Before going any further, take a brief look at the ten simple rules God put into place for us and for the good of society in Exodus 20:1-17.
Self Evident
They gathered in the small boarding house on Market Street. They sat down in high-backed wooden chairs around a simple wooden table. There was no air-conditioning to sooth the summer heat. In the descending rays of the late afternoon, a candle was their light. To them was given the awesome responsibility to craft a declaration; the “power to begin the world over again.”
Why Christian Citizenship - God and Government
Does the Bible deal with human/earthly government?
Yes. God instituted human government in the beginning with Adam. In Genesis, God created the world and established Adam as the head of the world government at that time.
God gave Adam dominion over all the animals, plants and every living thing.
Why Christian Citizenship - Why Vote
In the Old Testament, Moses instructed the Israelites to teach their children the scriptures and pass their faith in God and His greatness to each generation. This was a command that they did not always obey. Consequently, they were at war with their enemies, oppressed, continually drawn away to worship idols, and finally carried off to Babylon. Likewise, we have not been faithful in passing on our Christian heritage to our progeny. Consequently, there has been a lack of knowledge of the true foundation on which this nation was birthed.
"Our Weapon is Truth"
He’s short of stature, slight of build. He’s youthful, informal, and seems a bit like the comedian he once was. He looks more like the guy standing next to you at the pizza place on a Friday night, waiting for his take-out order, than a head of state.
Whatever seemed ordinary about Volodymyr Zelensky a mere fortnight ago is suddenly eclipsed by a courage that is truly extraordinary.
Psalm 53 – The Fool versus the Wise
The way God sees things is SO different than the ways we process truth. We overcomplicate, over think, and justify our weaknesses, but God sees it simply like this – are you foolish or wise? He asks in this passage of scripture – is “there any who understand, who seek God”?
Psalm 51 – Truth in the Inward Parts
Have you ever been in that place where the charade was over, and everyone knew your sins and failures?
That is where David was. Even though he was the King – he knew he had done wrong; but it hit him even deeper than just being exposed on the outside - it hit him deeply inside of his soul.