Inspirational Bunni Pounds Inspirational Bunni Pounds

Will We Malign God’s Beloved or Will We Love Her? (A Message to the Church Concerning Israel)

Will We Malign God’s Beloved or Will We Love Her? (A Message to the Church Concerning Israel)

This message is to all the Christians who seek truth, who do not want to be led astray by “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1), and who call themselves bold and courageous. This is our moment of decision on one of the most important issues of our generation. What will we do with Israel?

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Inspirational Bunni Pounds Inspirational Bunni Pounds

What I Have Learned From James Robison

A Thank You letter to James Robison.

For those who do not know, James is the founder of The Stream, and Life Outreach International helps underwrite this important work of education and empowerment for the Body of Christ in this important moment in our nation’s history.

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Inspirational Bunni Pounds Inspirational Bunni Pounds

Waiting for Taxis

Our Jewish friends are under attack!

If we call ourselves Christ followers, we need to stand up loudly against these movements that are springing up on our college campuses and around the nation.

We need to be aware that Marxist philosophies and anti-Semitic philosophies disguised as new “theologies” are sneaking into our churches.

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Devotional Bunni Pounds Devotional Bunni Pounds

2022 WAKE UP! Conference

Christians around America are waking up. We can’t sit on the sidelines any longer.

God is breaking down walls between denominations, races, and generations and uniting us around a mission of prayer and action for the nation that we love.

America needs us, the Body of Christ, to be fully awake and engaged.

Join us at the Wake UP! Conference – September 23 and 24th in Dallas Fort Worth.

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