Devotional The Leadership of Christians Engaged Devotional The Leadership of Christians Engaged

Psalm 68 – God Is Our Salvation…Selah

The Psalmist opens with declaration (praise) of God’s might against the enemies of Israel, as easily defeated as wisps of smoke or melting wax, illustrating the commanding power of the God of Israel. 

These verses tell us about God, and what he does for His people. See that those who are not believers “shall flee before Him!” implying their terror at the might of God…God is our help, that every day He helps us carry our burdens. His strength, His help for us, is new each day. He is our salvation. Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up, God is our salvation. Selah

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Devotional David Halvorson Devotional David Halvorson

Psalm 67 – God Shall Bless Us

When we are blessed by the Lord, as commanded by Him, when we receive His blessing, His word, His promises, when we practice praise and the Lord Himself is our ruler, then the earth shall yield her increase and our own God shall bless us. 

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