Devotional Bunni Pounds Devotional Bunni Pounds

Psalm 66 – Declaring the Greatness of His Power

According to Jewish tradition – this Psalm was written as a Passover Psalm with two parts – First to celebrate the huge victory and “bigness” of God delivering the children of Israel out of Egypt and taking them out of the hand of Pharaoh. Secondly to declare the vow and the sacrifices that they would give God after seeing His goodness again.

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

Wake Up – Part 2 (Mark Your Houses)

Last night was the beginning of Passover – the night the Jewish people all over the world celebrate their deliverance from Egypt and the night that the death angel passed over them. They will celebrate for seven days – the Feast of Unleavened Bread - to commemorate where they had to hastily obey God and leave Egypt…

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

Wake Up – Part 1 (The Handwriting is on the Wall)

When we started this ministry in December, we started with a word from Romans 13:11 – “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Now it is high time for us to awake out of sleep…” I don’t think I completely understood what that meant for our hour of history, but I knew…

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