Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Go In: Our Story V

Who doesn’t love a good party? He doesn’t.

See him? He’s the slouched solitary figure trudging across the open field. He’s been supervising field hands all day. He’s done and headed for home. He’s tired.

And as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant.” (Luke 15: 25-26)

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Celebrate: Our Story IV

This father never stopped looking. He never stopped loving. He held deep in his broken heart a quiet confidence that in time—if nothing had happened to him—his son would again walk through that gate at the end of the road.

Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20) Surprised by joy, the dad engulfed his son in love. 

“My son.” Here is the climax of Jesus’ story. This is why we love it more than any other. It’s about us. We are God’s sons and daughters.

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Epiphany In a Pigpen: Our Story III

And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.” (Luke 15:14)

That’s how Jesus put it in his story. Suddenly, the happy and confident young man who had it all had nothing. No money. No friends. No food.

He has an epiphany—a moment of sudden revelation and insight.

This is a different young man. A young man emersed, not in “worldly sorrow”, but in “godly sorrow.” (II Corinthians 7: 10-11) He has recited to himself the simple but profound facts of his life as he knows them to be. He knows what he’ll tell his father...

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Fast Times in the Far Country: Our Story II

Jesus tells us this younger son left his family—especially his loving but compliant father—and "took his journey into a far country" (Luke 15:13, emphasis added). This kid wasn't taking any chances with a retreat or return. Where he was headed dad wouldn't know and couldn't possibly find him.

Freedom meant being far away from all the cramping restraint and boring familiarity. Distant meant exotic and exciting.

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

The Wild One: Our Story

With this simple and direct understatement Jesus begins the story that has moved hearts and impacted the world for more than two thousand years. In art, literature, film, and in pulpits around the world the Parable of the Prodigal Son has been told thousands of times.

It’s a story that will never grow old because its truths and lessons are timeless…It is the story of all of us and of each of us. It is the story of every sinner.

It is the story of humankind.

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